Список текстов песен парк горького

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Текст песни:

Bang, say da da da
Tell me yes and let′s feed the fire
Bang bang, say da da da
Nothin′ less, I wanna hear a yes
Bang, say da da da
Tell me yes and let′s feed the fire
Bang bang, say da da da
Tell me yes

The word is out, got good news
We′re gonna go for a midnight cruise
Steady weather, it′s always cool
The street teaches what you learn at school
Look out, the gang′s all here
Gettin′ tough in tender years
Come for a ride,
Straight up to heaven
Your rocket is ready
And it started counting down


Give it in or give it out
We can blow it up
Or we can blow it all out
Get a little or get a lot
It doesn′t matter we′ll never stop
So wild, young and free
Red hot and sugar sweet
Come for a ride straight up to heaven
Your rocket is ready
And it started counting down

@ Парк Горького


Текст песни:

Take me back to see the ocean
Bearing sound of waves devotion
Wash away the words corosion
That we left behind

Clean me up with wind and water
I′m your son and you′re my daughter
I won′t let this moment be slaughtered
In my burning mind

And when I′m lost inside the walls
I′d live this moment more and more
So blind I can′t help it
Lost inside the walls
I need this moment more and more
So blind I can′t help it

Searching ways for understanding
I would lose my boat stranded
Now I know I was defending
Castle on a sand

Take me back to see the ocean
City′s draining my emotions
Let me have a healing potion
Sipping off your hands

@ Парк Горького


Текст песни:

Loneliness is my only guest,
Who visits me alone at night.
When it comes I light two candles,
Just the way it was.
And pretend the flames become your eyes...

Emptiness is a friend I guess.
The shadow played upon the wall.
If I let the candles take me,
I can see your face.
And remember hearing someone call your name...

My candles are crying...
My candles are crying...
They′re crying for you,
They′re waiting for you.
I′m waiting for you...

Is it you knocking at my door?
Or maybe just a ghostly wind.
How I wish that you were here,
Sitting by my side.
And you′ll bring me back to life again tonight...

My candles are crying...
My candles are crying...
They′re crying for you.
They′re waiting for you.
I′m waiting for you...

My candles are crying...
My candles are crying...
They′re crying for you.
They′re waiting for you.
I′m waiting for you...

I′m waiting for you...

@ Парк Горького


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