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Текст песни:

Il m′a dit un jour, ecoute petit
Va cours rattrape ta chance
Vis ton reve la vie te sourit
En une seconde, un oui, un non
Tu passes a cote
Ne pense pas dans le vent du courage
Vas-y elance-toi,
Tu seras recu par ceux qui t′aiment
Ceux qui dans le fond d′un regard
En silence te comprennent
Et ils partageront les memes peines, les tiennes
Ces centains de haine, les fois ou tu parles trop
Les fois ou tu dis rien tu fais rien
Quand tu as l′impression de vivre
Toujours le meme quotidien
Ne baisse pas les bras, ne lache pas
Prends le temps de te dire
Qu′il y a un ange derriere toi
Releve toi, et va trouver le plus fort en toi au fond de
Le bonheur est au bout des doigts ne l′oublie pas

Sous l′oeil de l′ange
Je suis venu te dire que j′ai su rester fort
Sous l′oeil de l′ange
Je suis venu te dire qu′ils n′ont rien vu encore
Sous l′oeil de l′ange
Je suis venu te dire que j′ai trouver la paix
Sous l′oeil de l′ange
J′ai su pardonner et j′ai su le chanter

Il va falloir que tu saches
Ce qui se cache dans une defaite et,
Trouver la porte dans le noir qui t′en sortirai
Et recommencer a rever

C′est dans les reves que se cache
La porte de l′eternel conte de fee,
Ta vie tu la batiras de tes mains,
La sueur de ton front
Sera le pain pour ton lendemain,
Va, et sois le meilleur dans ce que tu feras
Ne baisse pas les bras et Dieu te gardera
Il te parlera de ca de tout et de rien,
Il a les melodies, les clefs du mal et du bien
Il fera ton histoire, il ecrira demain
Il aura tes memoires dans le creux de sa main
Va et sache que tu as tout ce qu′il faut,
Et bien plus qu′il n′en faut,
Mais donne-toi le temps qu′il faut, regarde en haut


@ K.Maro


Текст песни:

Some days, feels my soul has left my body

Feel I′m floating high above me

Like I′m looking down upon me

Start sinking, everytime I get to thinking
It′s easier to keep on moving
Never stop to let the truth in

Sometimes I feel like it′s all been done
Sometimes I feel like I′m the only one
Sometimes I wanna change everything I′ve ever done
Too tired to fight and yet too scared to run

And if I stop for a minute
I think about things I really don′t wanna know
And I′m the first to admit it
Without you I′m a liner stranded in an ice floe

I feel like I′m a thief who has no faith
Maybe more than by the grade
Of the drugs you took that day

Sinking in the pain he′s been inflicting
Yet he′s feeling like the victim
Just a horoscope′s to blame

Sometimes I feel like a little lost child
Sometimes I feel like the chosen one
Sometimes I wanna shout out ′til everything goes quiet
Sometimes I wonder why I was ever born

And if I stop for a minute
I think about things really I don′t wanna know
And I′m the first to admit it
Without you I′m child and so wherever you go
I will follow

One... yeah...
And baby you are just beautiful from crown to your cuticles
You held down my two sons, you never frown when duty calls
You know me, I gave you more than you can handle
But you still keep a handle on it, even when I take something beautiful and vandal on it
No more females? Well how come my emails got notes on a scandal
It′s like Eve with the apple,
A priest in the chapel
Overcome by the devil′s tackle
I′m still shackling the bad til I know
I′m such a hassle every time I let my thoughts go
I get baffled so I hardly pause
I just crossed seas with these gnarly broads
Cos it hurts me just to see what I finally lost
So I guess I′m just a fiend
Consumed by the scene
The stage and the screens
Where it′s just me and Keane

And if I stop for a minute
I think about things I really don′t wanna know
So I guess I′m just a fiend
Consumed by the scene
And I′m the first to admit it
Without you I′m a liner stranded in an ice floe
The stage and the screens
Where it′s just me and Keane

@ K′naan


Текст песни:

1 куплет.
Который год в депрессии,
Спасибо всем кто не заметил.
С утра косяк, а на обед портвейн и сигареты.
Где же все те, что говорили «мы друзья на веки»

Поклон вам до земли, друзья, ваши слова на ветер.
Это мой крест, я в одного его тащу,
Спасибо, тому кто не помог, а хлопал по плечу красиво.
Я прогорел, из меня высосали сок,
И я не раз хотел покончить с этим выстрелом в висок.
Да я устал от повседневной драмы,
Судьба — художник неудачник, моя кожа — полотно.
Произведение — шрамы.
Ты ничего мне не оставил, кроме отчества,
Благодарю за слёзы, и за ночи в одиночестве.
За тысячу вопросов, за дороги и вокзалы, слёзы матери.
За подворотни и подвалы, за улыбку что познал лишь как уехал из России нахуй.
За это всё, тебе отдельное спасибо папа.
Чуть не забыл, я как и прежде благодарен многим,
Особенно за камни на моей дороги.
Да я зазнался, да мне параллельно брат,
Да, КРА — звезда, а Костя умер пару лет назад. Припев.
Хочу сказать «спасибо», только не кому,
Каждый из нас в бою за первые места.
И по этому, у меня нервы как из стали,
И спроси у меня откуда эта ненависть в глазах.
Хочу сказать «спасибо», но только не кому,
Если есть выход, то прости, я не нашел,
И по этому, всем кто хотел моё «спасибо»,
Я в ответ скажу «огромное спасибо, не за что». 2 Куплет.
Я стал сильнее, спасибо улице за шрамы,
Карьера будто кинолента о лице со шрамом.
Одному господу известно, кто же мы по сути,
Тони Монтана, если честно, тоже мыл посуду.
Спасибо всем, кто обозлён на мой успех,
Если ты падаешь на дно, одна дорого — строго вверх.
Калейдоскоп, колидусвей, но постепенно пулей в рот,
Но а своё «спасибо» брат намажь себе на бутерброд.
Я узник, в плену иллюзий, заключен на колыме,
Спасибо, жизни, за ударом ключом по голове.
Благодарю за не любовь, и знаешь ты не обессудь,
Я пью Redbull что бы не уснуть но мои крылья не растут.
Но а теперь, хотите нет, Элвис покинул это здание,
Гасите свет, «благодарю» вас за внимание
Я улыбнусь вам напоследок,
И скажу как Виктор Цой — Закройте за мной дверь, я ухожу… Припев.
Хочу сказать «спасибо», только не кому,
Каждый из нас в бою за первые места.
И по этому, у меня нервы как из стали,
И спроси у меня откуда эта ненависть в глазах.
Хочу сказать «спасибо», но только не кому,
Если есть выход, то прости, я не нашел,
И по этому, всем кто хотел моё «спасибо»,
Я в ответ скажу «огромное спасибо, не за что».

@ K.R.A.


Текст песни:

Курит не меньше чем Винстон,
Пьет не меньше чем Хольстен
Поздно приходит в гости,
Не задает лишних вопросов,
Ничего не просит,
Ей не надо обещать с неба звезд.
Её в принципе трудно обидеть,
Но и в обиде ее дольше пяти минут никому не удавалось видеть.
Покурит и опять, она не знает, что такое молчать.
Я так и не смог понять о чем она может мечтать,
Та кошка, что предпочитает сама по себе гулять.
С котами всех мастей, любых, даже с малознакомых крыш
Задрав свой пушистый хвост как можно выше.
Хорошая любовница, но плохая подруга
Моногамия для нее синоним слова скука.
И не чурается случайных связей.
Для неё хобби все, то что называют грязным.
Прости, ты тут как тут.
Ты не одна из тех, кого замуж зовут..
И кое-что еще меня в этом деле смущает.
Я из тех, кто про тебя кое-что знает.
На раскаленных уставших пружинах правды
Мы никогда не встретим с новое завтра
С такой бесцельной, ненасытной тобой,
Но ночь темна и похоти почерки скроют.
Привязка пламени ласк раскраски, лица я так от этого устал.
В романе без конца не может быть последнего листа
Единственный способ разорвать, избегая вопросов
С одной стороны ты с другой я- другой
Не желающий быть с тобой, говорить с тобой
Замыкаясь в проводах, новостях, последних прогнозах,
Звук шагов, твой смех, тембр голоса,
Квалифицируется мной как прямая угроза моей свободе
И тихо так тают дни, снег летит, беспощадны календари,
Дари себя другим мне ж подари соло,
Спокойный сон мой в полуметре от пола, где радиола, моя леди,
И солнечный берег.
Утром холодным за тобой закрываю двери,
На два оборота ключом, вторую толкну плечом,
Прощай, не виноватая не в чем…..
Не виноватая не в чём.
Прости, ты тут как тут.
Ты не одна из тех, кого замуж зовут..
И кое-что еще меня в этом деле смущает.
Я из тех, кто про тебя кое-что знает.
На раскаленных уставших пружинах правды
Мы никогда не встретим с новое завтра
С такой бесцельной, ненасытной тобой,
Но ночь темна и похоти почерки скроют.
И похоти почерки скроют

@ KAMAZ 96


Текст песни:

Пусть первый солнца блик,
Растопит иней на ресницах твоих

Боем курантов станет сердца твоего стук
Не других вариантов
У разомкнутых рук

Дней невзрачных вереницу
Перелестни страницу

Разрывая ткань земли
Твои крылья сжег огонь
Умирая до весны
С твоих глаз стекла любовь

Пусть первый солнца блик,
Растопит иней на ресницах твоих

Заметкой в дневниках
Оазисом в пустынных,
Воспоминаниях длинных
Затерян в облаках

Дней невзрачных вереницу

Концы веревок скорей обрубай
Тебе открою свой рай

Разрывая ткань земли
Твои крылья сжег огонь
Умирая до весны
С твоих глаз стекла любовь

Бери назад
Свои признания, свои размытые слова
Что написала ты в моих разбитых мечтах

Разрывая ткань земли
Рисую на стекле узор
Я сжигаю все мосты
Между мною и тобой

@ Kambodge


Текст песни:

Оставшись взаперти и выгнав мысли прочь
Я сердце подарил, но не успел помочь. Тем, кого считал друзьями, знаю, как и ты
Когда нёс правды знамя впереди. Стой, оглянись, все что знал, в то, что верил
Сотри, сожги ,перечеркни
Оковы разбей, скорей же скорей. В пустых руках преподносил память
Надежду подарить лучше, чем камнем
Смертельно ранить. Тех ничтожных раненых, тех неприкаянных
Судьбой наказанных навеки.
Стой, оглянись, все что знал ,все что сказали
Сотри, сожги, в прах обрати
И страх оберни против врагов своих. Оправдания своим делам
Режут крылья ангелу напополам. В пустых руках преподносил память
Надежду подарить, лучше, чем камнем
Смертельно ранить. Во имя спасения.

@ Kambodge


Текст песни:

"Hey! Woo! Thank you! Okay, we′re gonna slow it down for a bit now.
This is a song about a girl that might have forgotten me by now.
But I hope we will meet again some time in the future."

A flame within my heart has died
This a song, it′s song with no reprise
Today I just don′t know why
What we had and what we shared, so divine

Sunrise in Osaka, but I′m cold tonight
The northern lights are shining, and my dreams take flight

Can you remember? Tell me how far I have to go
Can you remember lust in the eastern skies?
Can you remember when you told me sayonara?
Can you remember me? ′Cause I will never say goodbye

A flame within my heart has died
Too far away, it′s too far for me to say
I wish I could turn back time
Is there anyone to blame? Show me the way

Sunrise in Osaka, but I′m cold tonight
The northern lights are shining, and my dreams take flight
Memories are forever, and I see your face
Crying in the distance, ′til we fall from grace

Can you remember? Tell me how far I have to go?
Can you remember lust in the eastern skies?
Can you remember when you told me sayonara?
Can you remember me? ′Cause I will never say goodbye

Can you remember? Tell me how far I have to go
Can you remember lust in the eastern skies?
Can you remember when you told me sayonara?
Can you remember me? ′Cause I will never say goodbye

"Thank you."

@ Kamelot


Текст песни:

When you play with fire
You ust anticipate some burns
Chasing for desire...
It′s just a different way to learn

Ariel: I am defected from god
Helena: God has seized my soul
Ariel: So low redemption′s too far
Helena: I am heaven′s sheen
Ariel: She′s the one that I love
Helena: Love is all around
Ariel: And she tore me apart
Helena: The dark can never win

All that I require
Is some trust as the pages turn
I can take you higher
Cause you will in my concern

Ariel: I am defected from god
Helena: God has seized my soul
Ariel: So low redemption′s too far
Helena: I am heaven′s sheen
Ariel: She′s the one that I love
Helena: Love is all around
Ariel: And she tore me apart
Helena: The dark could never win

So long...maybe forever
I must carry on
Why did god take away
That one thing I wanted
Maybe god is a melody
We all serenade

You would not feel sadness
If you never tasted joy
That′s the curse of humans
Born in passion you destroy

@ Kamelot


Текст песни:

I am breathless
Need I say
How could you find me here
You, of all have crossed my way
Unexpectedly...from whore
I feel like I am dreaming
Hold me close
Tomorrow may be done

This is a moment
Of belief
This is a moment
Made of dreams
You found me here today
On the coldest winter night
This moment is our right

How, Helena tell me all
The years we′ve been apart...
Did you hear the mountain fall
...my broken heart
Don′t make me if I′m dreaming
Hush, my dear
Because tomorrow may be gone

This is a moment
Of belief
This is a moment
Made of dreams
You found me here today
On the coldest winter night
This moment is our right

@ Kamelot


Текст песни:

I just had a dream
She was by the riverside
Alone and dressed in white
Paling in the cold
Walking on the icy face
On memories of glory days

Carry on
Carry on
Meet me on the other side
Once the mourning after turns to day

Carry on
Carry on
Keep on to the other side
The mourning after slowly fades

How could I have known
Just the though is simply wild
In her womb...a little child
I am left to roam
On the surface of a dream
In a world that can′t be seen

Carry on
Carry on
Just you carry on
Till the mourning is over

Carry on
Carry on
Just you carry on
Till the mourning after leaves

@ Kamelot


Текст песни:

Once I rose above the noise and confusion
Just to get a glimpse beyond the illusion
I was soaring ever higher, but I flew too high
Though my eyes could see I still was a blind man
Though my mind could thnk I still was a mad man
I hear the voices when I′m dreamin′, I can hear them say

Carry on my wayward son,
For there′ll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Now don′t you cry no more

Masquerading as a man with a reason
My charade is the event of the season
And if I claim to be a wise man, it surely means that I don′t know
On a stormy sea of moving emotion
Tossed about I′m like a ship on the ocean
I set a course for winds of fortune, but I hear the voices say


Carry on, you will always remember
Carry on, nothing equals the splendor
Now your life′s no longer empty
Surely heaven waits for you


@ Kansas


Текст песни:

N- n- now th- that don′t kill me
Can only make me stronger
I need you to hurry up now
Cause I can′t wait much longer
I know I got to be right now
Cause I can’t get much wronger
Man I’ve been waitin′ all night now
That′s how long I’ve been on ya

I need you right now
I need you right now

Lets get lost tonight
You could be my black Kate Moss tonight
Play secretary I’m the boss tonight
And you don′t give a f*** what they all say right?
Awesome, the Christian and and Kristen Dior
Damn they don′t make ′em like this anymore
I ask, cause I’m not sure
Do anybody make real shit anymore?
Bow in the presence of greatness
Cause right now thou has forsaken us
You should be honored by my lateness
That I would even show up to this fake sh*t
So go ahead go nuts go ape sh*t
Specially on my best stand on my bape sh*t
Act like you can′t tell who made this
New gospel homey take six, and take this, haters

N- n- now th- that don′t kill me
Can only make me stronger
I need you to hurry up now
Cause I can′t wait much longer
I know I got to be right now
Cause I can’t get much wronger
Man I’ve been waitin′ all night now
That′s how long I’ve been on ya

I need you right now
I need you right now

Me likey

I don′t know if you got a man or not,
If you made plans or not
God put me in the plans or not
I′m trippin′ this drink got me sayin′ a lot
But I know that god put you in front of me
So how the hell could you front on me
There′s a thousand you′s there′s only one of me
I′m trippin′ I’m caught up in the moment right?
This is Louis Vuitton dime night
So we gon′ do everything that kan like
Heard they′d do anything for a klondike
Well I’d do anything for a blonde-dike
And she′ll do anything for the limelight
And we′ll do anything when the time′s right
Ugh, baby you′re makin′ it (harder, better, faster,

N- n- now th- that don′t kill me
Can only make me stronger
I need you to hurry up now
Cause I can′t wait much longer
I know I got to be right now
Cause I can’t get much wronger
Man I’ve been waitin all night now
That′s how long I’ve been on ya

I need you right now
I need you right now

You know how long I’ve been on ya?
Since prince was on apollonia
Since OJ had isotoners
Don′t act like I never told ya (x6)
Baby you′re making it (harder, better, faster, stronger)

N- n- now th- that don′t kill me
Can only make me stronger
I need you to hurry up now
Cause I can′t wait much longer
I know I got to be right now
Cause I can’t get much wronger
Man I’ve been waitin all night now
That′s how long I’ve been on ya

I need you right now (x4)

You know how long I’ve been on ya?
Since prince was on apollonia
Since OJ had isotoners
Don′t act like I never told ya
Never told ya (x4)

Never over (x8)

@ Kanye West


Текст песни:

Diamonds are forever
They won′t leave in the night
Have no fear that they might
Desert me

Diamonds are forever (forever, forever)
Throw your diamonds in the sky if you feel the vibe
Diamonds are forever (forever, forever, forever)
The Roc is still alive every time I rhyme.
Forever ever? Forever ever? Ever, ever? Ever, ever? Ever, ever?
Ever, ever?......

Close your eyes and imagine, feel the magic
Vegas on acid,
Seen through Yves St. Laurent glasses
And I′ve realized that I′ve arrived, cuz
It take more than a magazine to kill my Vibe does
he write his own rhymes, so sort of
I think ′em
That mean I forgot better shit than u ever thought up
Damn, is he really that caught up?
I ask if you talkin′ bout classics, do my name get brought up?
I remember I couldn′t afford a Ford Escort or even a four-track
so its only right that I let the top drop on a drop-top Porsche
- its for yourself that′s important
If a stripper named Porscha and u get tips from many men
Then your fat friend her nickname is Minivan
Excuse me,
That′s just the Henny, man, I smoke, I drink, I′m supposed to
stop I can′t because

Diamonds are forever (forever, forever)
Throw your diamonds in the sky if you feel the vibe
Diamonds are forever (forever, forever, forever)
The Roc is still alive every time I rhyme.
Forever ever? Forever ever? Ever, ever? Ever, ever? Ever, ever?
Ever, ever?......

I was sick about awards
Couldn′t nobody cure me
Only playa that got robbed but kept all his jewelry
Alicia Keys tried to talk some sense to them
30 minutes later seems there′s no convincing them
What more can you ask for?
The international assholes nah
Who complains about what he is owed?
And throw a tantrum like he is 3 years old
You gotta love it though somebody still speaks from his soul
And wouldn′t change by the change, or the game, or the fame,
When he came, in the game, he made his own lane
Now all I need is y′all to pronounce my name
Its Kanye - But some of my plaques - they still say Kane
Got family in the D, Kin-folk from Motown
Back in the Chi - them folks ain′t from Motown
Life movin′ too fast I need to slow down
Girl ain′t give me no ass, ya need to go down

Diamonds are forever (forever, forever)
My father Ben said I need Jesus
So he took me to church and let the water wash over my ceaser
Diamonds are forever (forever, forever)
The preacher said we need leaders
Right then my body got still like a paraplegic

You know who you can call you gotta best believe it
The Roc stand tall and you would never believe it
Take your diamonds and throw ′em up like you bulimic
Yea the beat cold but the flow is anemic
After debris settles and the dust get swept off
Big K pick up where young Hov left off
Right when magazines wrote Kanye West off
I dropped my new shit sound like the best of
A&R′s lookin′ like "pssh we messed up"
Grammy night, damn right, we got dressed up
Bottle after bottle till we got messed up
In the studio, where really though, yea he next up
People askin′ me if I′m gon′ give my chain back
That′ll be the same day I give the game back
You know the next question dog "Yo, where Dame at?"
This track the Indian dance to bring our reign back
"What′s up with you and Jay, man, are y′all ok man?"
They pray for the death of our dynasty like Amen
R-r-r-right here stands a-man
With the power to make a diamond with his bare hands...

Diamonds are forever (forever, forever)
Throw your diamonds in the sky if you feel the vibe
Diamonds are forever (forever, forever, forever)
The Roc is still alive every time I rhyme.
Forever ever? Forever ever? Ever, ever? Ever, ever? Ever, ever?
Ever, ever?......

Diamonds are forever (forever, forever)
Diamonds are forever (forever, forever, forever)

@ Kanye West


Текст песни:

Chief Keef (Kanye West):
(If I can′t fear nobody
I bet I can′t just talk to them)
I don′t fear nobody
I can′t hear nobody
I can′t see nobody
Can′t compete with nobody no
(You really don′t understand do you?)

Chief Keef:
Fear nobody, fear nobody
I brought my shotty right up in the party
No bodyguard, just see the squad and me
What′s in my pockets, I brought Ben Franklin with me
What′s in my house, 7,000 square feet
My bank account, I swear it′s no telling
All type of amounts, just so I can spend it
What′s all around, fake niggas act friendly
Cause I′m on now, gotta keep it near me
Cause niggas will smile, but really be frienemy
Bitches act down, but really ain′t into me
They just want my count, heard I got them milli′s
Can′t go like that now, I′ma keep it pimpin′
Pistols all around, opp tryna′ catch me slippin′
′Member my mama used to whip me
Now I can buy her ass anything

Kanye West & (Chief Keef):
Oh the rain the rain the rain, oh sunshine
Tender lovin′ so lovin′
(Body) You really don′t understand, do you?
(Nobody, body, nobody)
You really don′t understand, do you?

Chief Keef:
I don′t fear no one, war time, I′m gon′ give me one
Where I′m from you gotta walk ′round with your gun
But I made it out, just to get some money
(You really don′t understand do you?)
Now I′m riding what I want, fuckin′ any thot I want
I be buying any thing I want
Remember when I was broke
(You really don′t understand do you?)
They thought I was a joke
(You really don′t understand do you?)
That money, I′m so in love with you
Til′ I die, I′ma sing to you
Cause I love you, I wanna be with you
(You really don′t understand do you?)

Kanye West:
Not gonna stop, I bet I can’t get down to them
That tender lovin′, so lovin′
That tender lovin′, so lovin′
(You really don′t understand do you?)
Oh the rain, rain, the rain, oh sunshine
I can’t love in somebody, they can’t love anybody
I can′t love in somebody, lots of lovin′ nobody, nobody
(You really don’t understand do you?)

@ Kanye West


Текст песни:

Back off misfits
You cannot eat this kind of love
Back off misfits
You shall not teach this kind of love
You cannot teach
You cannot eat
You cannot love

We′re back, back, back, back
We′re back, back, back, back
We′re back, back, back, back
We′ll back on up
We′ll back on up

Back off misfits
You cannot teach this kind of love
Back off misfits
You cannot eat this kind of love
We′re back, back, back on up
We′re back, back, back on up
We′re back, back, back, back, back, back, back, ooww

Back off misfits
You cannot teach this kind of love
Back off misfits
You cannot teach this kind of love
You cannot teach
You cannot eat
You cannot love
We′re back, back, back, back, ooww

Leave me when I say I go
After all it′s me you hardly know
After all it′s all I see
Me and you and you and me

Back off misfits
(We′re back, back, back on up)
Back off misfits
(We′re back, back, back on up)
Back off misfits
(We′re back, back, back, back, back, back, back, ooww)

@ Karen O and The Kids


Текст песни:

I ran from the tide
Won′t let you hide
Won′t let you hide

I drop beats from this processed meat
For a conversation, a meditation and
I cut waves like some unborn sage
Just like terrorists on a day of rest singing

I ran from the tide
Won′t let you hide
Won′t let you hide

I break bones stealing mobile phones
And I′m cuttin deals for these homeless meals
Making idle threats using chinese burns
As you load my head with the Grateful Dead singing

I ran from the tide
Won′t let you hide
Won′t let you hide
I ran from the tide
Won′t let you hide
Won′t let you hide

@ Kasabian

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