A Day To Remember - Casablanca Sucked Anyway (текст песни)

i’ve spent so much time trying to fix your life that i forgot about mine.
this time i’m putting my foot straight through the floor.
you wont be walking through any of my doors anymore.
so tell me what’s so wrong with me that you could leave so easily.
you threw this all away for the chance to leave me.
she makes me happy.
she sparks a light inside you’ve never failed to blow out.
look at everything.
look at all that you’ve become…nothing more than a memory.
so tell me what’s so wrong with me that you could leave so easily.
you threw this all away for the chance to leave me.
you make me sick with every move you make.
when will you find your place in this world?
cause it will never be beside me again.
so tell me what’s so wrong with me that you could leave so easily.
you threw this all away for the chance to leave me

(c) a day to remember

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