Bachelor Girl - Blind (текст песни)

now the story′s out
i see how it′s been
you′ve been living it up
while i′ve been lost in a dream
said you were faithful
i believed your lies
i have been your fool
but now it′s me who′s got wise

all the while i gave to you my heart and soul
you just left me out in the cold

i′ve been blind
i′ve been taken for a ride
you used me and you lied
but somehow i didn′t see
i′ve been blind
while you were my lover
you said there was no other
as you cheated on me

so long have i waited
just to learn the truth
so humiliated by the things that you do
fooled by your deception
tricked by your disguise
never saw the secrets
that were there in you eyes

all the while i gave to you my heart and soul
you just left me out in the cold


i closed my eyes, i fell asleep and i dreamed......
i dreamed of perfect love , pure and true
i dreamed of perfect love for me andyou
but the while i gave to you my heart and soul
you just left me out in the cold

choruses out

(c) bachelor girl

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