Cannibal Corpse - Drowning In Viscera (текст песни)

engulfed in the innards
of rotting cadavers a rancid gore sea
tangled intestines become my reality
choking on guts
asphyxiation gasping for breath
drowning in viscera

slowly to taper away dissipate
absorbing this ultimate carnage
surrounding me
soaking in entrails decayed

entombed without reason
in moist isolation of repugnancy
morose sensation
covered completely as terror
enhances pain, to suffocate
morose sensation gasping for breath
drowning in viscera

sinking in this tamped hell, pestilent
smothered in heaping chunks
stinking flesh putrefies
decomposition ensures burial
inundateduid doom

solo: pat

iniquity, submerged ending
primeval swamp, sanguinary
inescapable abuse

solo: jack

starting to fade, blood saturates
deadly embrace, immolated
imbrued with pus of the dead

eviscerate another life gutted soul
morbidity, obliterate
engrossing plight fatal rot
consg scum
drenched in evil excrement
sent to a world to die in pain by
drowning in viscera

engulfed in the innards
of rotting cadavers a rancid gore sea
tangled intestines become my reality
choking on guts
morose sensation gasping for breath
drowning in viscera

eviscerate another life gutted soul
morbidity, obliterate
engrossing plight fatal rot
consg scum
drenched in evil excrement
sent to a world to die in pain by
drowning in viscera

(c) cannibal corpse

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