Cascada - A Neverending Dream (текст песни)

i′m waiting for the night drifting away
on the waves of my dreams to another day
i′m standing on a hill and beyond the clouds
the winds blowing still and catching my doubts
i′m hunting on the night the slave to my dream an illustrated seen descends in the sleep
we′re playing for the fights emotional games
i′m turning off my eyes and hiding my shame

[chorus x2]
a neverending dream a dream of you i believe i received a sign of you
tonight i want to hide my feelings too
as you do and i want to be with you

i′m waiting for the night drifting away on the waves of my dreams to another day
i′m standing on a hill and beyond the clouds the wind′s blowing still and catching my doubts

i′m watching all the flowers dying away
inheated breath of life at the dawning day i′m waking up in spring and kissing your face the sweet
amoving thing i feel your embrace

a neverending dream.......

[chorus x2]
a neverending dream a dream of you
i believe i received a sign of you tonight i want to hide my feelings too as you do and i want to be
with you

[chorus x1]

(c) cascada

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