Dance Gavin Dance - Happiness (текст песни)

drowning in the lake
i only left her for a couple of seconds

and now she′s gone

waking up for what?
as i pace back and forth
maybe it′s time to move away
but what would that prove anyway?

listening to the answering machine
over and over
only to hear your voice one more time
just one more time

it′s not your fault, that′s what they all keep saying
(that′s what they all keep saying)
ruining my sight, there′s nothing left
why do i bother praying?
(why do i bother praying?)

ohhh whoaaa ohhh..

beg me for directions
like i have all the answers
i neglected her life
now what, what do i do with mine?

listening to the answering machine
over and over
only to hear your voice one more time
just one more time

it′s not your fault, that′s what they all keep saying
(that′s what they all keep saying)
ruining my sight, there′s nothing left
why do i bother praying?
(why do i bother praying?)

drowning in the lake
i only left her for a couple of seconds
(drowning in the lake)
(i only left her for a couple of seconds)
i only left her for a couple of seconds
(drowning, drowning)

(c) dance gavin dance

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