Emery - Returning The Smile You′ve Had From The Start (текст песни)

you wanted to know us
if it was for the pain that its caused us
for the lies, such a white lie
don′t know what it was to deserve this

as simple as i can
i′ll tell you the difference
between a pencil and a pen
and where it will leave us
now as your body lets you die
and i sit here still alive

in my memory i wrote you down in ink
i never wanted to erase your story
even with the tragedy it brings

the fluid in your lungs
that tells you you′re losing
stop breathing
the medicine that comes
will fix you, will help you
but takes you from conscious to sleep
place my hands to face and weep

in my memory i wrote you down in ink
i never wanted to erase your story
even with the tragedy it brings

smiling, beautiful
something torn from my hands

i′m not ready for you to die

this day will end
with the lies complete
my closest friend
here in front of me

you wanted to know us
if it was for the pain that its caused us
for the lies, such a poor thing
don′t know what it was to deserve this

(c) emery

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