Oasis - The Importance Of Being Idle (текст песни)

i sold my soul for the second time
cos the man, he dont pay me
i begged my landlord for some more time
he said son, the bills are waiting

my best friend called me the other night
he said man, you crazy?
my girlfriend told me to get a life
she said boy, you lazy

but i dont mind
as long as theres a bed beneath the stars that shine
i′ll be fine
if you give me a minute
a man′s got a limit
i can′t get a life if my heart′s not in it

i dont mind
as long as theres a bed beneath the stars that shine
ill be fine
if you give me a minute
a man′s got a limit
i can′t get a life if my heart′s not in it

i lost my faith in the summertime
cos it dont stop raining
the sky all day is as black as night
but i′m not complaining

i begged my doctor for one more line
he said son, words fail me
it aint no place to be killin′ time
i guess i′m just lazy

i dont mind
as long as theres a bed beneath the stars that shine
i′ll be fine
if you give me a minute
a man′s got a limit
i can′t get a life if my heart′s not in it

(c) oasis

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