OK Go - 1000 Miles Per Hour (текст песни)

another long quiet night...
another long quiet, lonely night spent at your side.
not a lot left to say...
there′s not a lot that i still could say to change your mind.

but with a little bit of money we could buy us a car.
with a little luck we could get away from where we are.
let′s get out of here.

we′ll drive, one thousand miles an hour.
we′ll fly by wheat fields and water towers.
we′ll go. we′ll go and we′ll go and we′ll go. let′s go.

now the look in your eye...
you know, the look right before you cry... it′s always here.
so in the day when you wake...
in the morning when you awake, let′s disappear.

with a little bit of money we could buy us a car.
with a little luck we could get away from where we are.
let′s get out of here.

we′ll drive, one thousand miles an hour.
we′ll fly by wheat fields and water towers.
we′ll go. we′ll go and we′ll go and we′ll go. let′s go

(c) ok go

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