Pain - Don′t Count Me Out (текст песни)

never wanted to see it from the bright side
i didn′t care, i didn′t have the time
life is too short to stop and look around
all i knew was that i had to do everything at once

do this, right here, right now
don′t care if that′s the price i have to pay
i′ll worry about it later cause maybe i won′t live another day

why must i die?
you′re living, you′re taking, you′re giving, you′re breaking
it′s not enough you′re alive and it′s a misery
can′t take it, can′t fake it, i won′t run away and hide

don′t count me out ′cause i′m not here to drown
don′t count me out, it won′t get to me
don′t count me out, i′m not here to sit around and rot
don′t count me out

i don′t know where i′m heading, just know where i′ve been
there′s no use fighting nature ′cause there′s things you can never win
i don′t look back, full speed ahead, i′ll do it ′til my neck snaps
i don′t have nine lives to live so i′ll use the only one i ever had

why must i die?
you′re living, you′re taking, you′re giving, you′re breaking
it′s not enough you′re alive and it′s a misery
can′t take it, can′t fake it, i won′t run away and hide

don′t count me out ′cause i′m not here to drown
don′t count me out, it won′t get to me
don′t count me out, i′m not here to sit around and rot
don′t count me out

(c) pain

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