Radiohead - Karma Police (текст песни)

karma police, arrest this man
he talks in maths
he buzzes like a fridge
he′s like a detuned radio

karma police, arrest this girl
her hitler hairdo is
making me feel ill
and we have crashed her party

this is what you get
this is what you get
this is what you get when you mess with us

karma police
i′ve given all i can
it′s not enough
i′ve given all i can
but we′re still on the payroll

this is what you get
this is what you get
this is what you get when you mess with us

and for a minute there, i lost myself, i lost myself
and for a minute there, i lost myself, i lost myself

for for a minute there, i lost myself, i lost myself
for for a minute there, i lost myself, i lost myself
phew, for a minute there, i lost myself, i lost myself

in the early version, the first verse went:
karma police arrest this girl
she stares at me
as if she owns the world and

(c) radiohead

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