Staind - Believe (текст песни)

i sit alone and watch the clock
trying to collect my thoughts
all i think about is you
and so i cry myself to sleep
and hope the devil i don′t meet
in the dreams that i live through

believe in me
i know you′ve waited for so long
believe in me
sometimes the weak become the strong
believe in me
this life is not always what it seems
believe in me
cause i was made for chasing dreams

all the smiles you had to fake
and all the shit you had to take
just to lead us here again
i never have the things to say
to make it all just go away
to make it all just disappear

believe in me
i know you′ve waited for so long
believe in me
sometimes the weak become the strong
believe in me
this life is not always what it seems
believe in me
cause i was made for chasing dreams

its my life
its my choice
hear my words
hear my voice
and just believe

i sit alone and watch the clock
trying to collect my thoughts
and all i think about is you

if you believe in me
life is not always what it seems
believe in me
cause i was made for chasing dreams

believe in me
i know you′ve waited for so long
believe in me
sometimes the weak become the strong
believe in me
this life is not always what it seems
believe in me
cause i was made for chasing dreams

(c) staind

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