Tommy Lee - Hello, Again (текст песни)

(feat. andrew mcmahon)

there′s so much to say to you from here
is this transmission coming clear
do you hear me yeah
the papers has been peelin′ off the walls
give it a year till it all falls
till it all falls yeah

hello again
hello there it′s been so long
and this place is not the same without you
hello again
hello there it′s been so long
and the colours all too grey without you

and so far, there′s nothing i can do to not remember
to not remember, you′re so lucky
and so far, i′ve been living underground to keep the day out
to keep the day out, you′re so lucky

hello again
hello there it′s been so long
and this place is not the same without you
hello again
hello there it′s been so long
and the colours all too grey without you

i′ve been wandering the house
i′ve been wandering the house
place is quiet as a church
as a church

hello again
hello there it′s been so long, it′s been so long

hello again
hello there it′s been so long
and this place is not the same without you
hello again
hello there it′s been so long
and it′s so nice to see you again

hello again, where have you been
hello again, hello there′..

(c) tommy lee

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