Unheilig - Discover The World (текст песни)

in the name of the crowd
they called me guilty
no turning back to the world that broke me down

the pictures on the wall tell me
the last days
the last years

endless moments without hope
endless moments i′ve prayed to you lord
help me to get out of here

let me breathe the air of distant seas
let me touch the earth of new countries
let me wash the past out of my memories
let me discover, discover the world

i take my courage
in certainly that i′m not guilty
turning to face a new worldt
through dust and dirt

the digging confirms the volition
to survive to be human

endless moments without hope
endless moments i′ve prayed to you lord
help me to get out of here

let me breathe the air of distant seas...

i break the walls
in heavens name
i will be free

let me wash the past out of my memories
let me discover, discover the world

let me breathe the air of distant seas...

(c) unheilig

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