We Are Scientists - This Scene Is Dead (текст песни)

this scene is dead, but i′m still restless
an hour or so until last call, i guess
i shouldn′t even be here, much less
drinking myself into excess

i′m not going home till i′m done

well come on, we can′t go on
well come on, we can′t go on
well come on, you can′t go home
the night is young
i′m blacking out
but it′s been

well everything′s another excuse
to keep from doing what i want too
like i would really love to kiss you
but i guess i′m in no condition

i′m not going home with no-one

well come on, we can′t go on
well come on, you can′t go on
well come on, you can′t go home
the night is young
i′m blacking out
but it′s been

well i said that′s it i′m not going home with no-one
not going home with no-one
not going home with no-one

well come on, we can′t go on
well come on, we can′t go on
well come on, you can′t go home
the night is young
i′m blacking out
but it′s been fun

you can′t go home
the night is young
i′m blacking out
but it′s been fun

{x2 second time without fun}

(c) we are scientists

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