White Zombie - Children Of The Grave (текст песни)

revolution in their minds - the children start to march
against the world in which they have to live
and all the hate that′s in their hearts
they′re tired of being pushed around
and told just what to do
they′ll fight the world until they′ve won
and hell comes flowing through

in los angeles, 1969, they shot, stabbed, and bludgeoned nine people to
death committing one of the most heinous crimes in history.

children of tomorrow live in the tears that fall today
will the sun rise up tomorrow bringing peace in any way?
must the world live in the shadow of atomic fear?
can they win the fight for peace or will they disappear?

in los angeles, 1969, they shot, stabbed, and bludgeoned nine people to
death committing one of the most heinous crimes in history.

(yeah) so you children of the world,
listen to what i say
if you want a better place to live in
spread the words today
show the world that love is still alive
you must be brave
or you children of today are
children of the grave, yeah!

(c) white zombie

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