Linkin Park - Burning In The Skies (текст песни)

i use the dead would to make the fire rise
the blood of innocence burning in the skies
i filled my cup with the rising of the sea
and poured it out in an ocean of debris

i′m swimming in the smoke
of bridges i have burned
so don′t apologize
i′m losing what i don′t deserve
what i don′t deserve

i held my breath as clouds began to form
but you were lost in the beating of the storm
but in the end we were meant to be apart
in separate chambers of the human heart

i′m swimming in the smoke
of bridges i have burned
so don′t apologize
i′m losing what i don′t deserve

it′s in the blackened bones
of bridges i have burned

so don′t apologize
i′m losing what i don′t deserve
what i don′t deserve

i′m swimming in the smoke
of bridges i have burned
so don′t apologize
i′m losing what i don′t deserve

the blame is mine alone
for bridges i have burned
so don′t apologize
i′m losing what i don′t deserve

what i don′t deserve
what i don′t deserve
what i don′t deserve

here′s the dead wood to make the fire rise
the blood of innocence burning in the skies

(c) linkin park

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