Linkin Park - By_Myslf (текст песни)

(feat. j. abraham, m. shinoda, s. carpenter)


what do i do to ingore them behind me?
do i follow my instincts blindly?
do i hide my pride from these bad dreams
and give in to sad thoughts that are maddening?
do i sit here and try to stand it?
or do i try to catch them red-handed?
do i trust some and get fooled by phoniness?
or do i trust nobody and live in lonliness?
because i can’t hold on when i’m stretched so thin
i make the right moves but i’m lost within
i put on my daily facade but then
i just end up getting hurt again

by myself
i ask why
but in my mind i find
i can’t rely on myself
i ask why
but in my mind i find
i can’t rely on myself

i can’t look around
it’s too much to take in
i can’t hold back
when i’m stretched so thin
i can’t slow down
watching everything spin
i can’t look back
starting over again

if i turn my back i’m defenceless
and to go blindly seems senceless
if i hide my pride and let it all go on
then they’ll take from me ’til everything is gone
if i let them go i’ll be outdone
but if i try to catch them i’ll be outrun
if i’m killed by the questions like a cancer
then i’ll be buried in the silence of the answer

by myself
i ask why
but in my mind i find
i can’t rely on myself
i ask why
but in my mind i find
i can’t rely on myself

i can’t look around
it’s too much to take in
i can’t hold back
when i’m stretched so thin
i can’t slow down
watching everything spin
i can’t look back
starting over again

don’t you know
i can’t tell you how to make it go
no matter what i do, how hard i try
i can’t seem to convince myself why
i’m stuck on the outside

don’t you know
i can’t tell you how to make it go
no matter what i do, how hard i try
i can’t seem to convince myself why
i’m stuck on the outside

don’t you know
i can’t tell you how to make it go
no matter what i do, how hard i try
i can’t seem to convince myself why
i’m stuck on the outside

don’t you know
i can’t tell you how to make it go
no matter what i do, how hard i try
i can’t seem to convince myself why
i’m stuck on the outside

don’t you know
i can’t tell you how to make it go
no matter what i do, how hard i try
i can’t seem to convince myself why
i’m stuck on the outside

don’t you know
i can’t tell you how to make it go
no matter what i do, how hard i try
i can’t seem to convince myself why
i’m stuck on the outside

(c) linkin park

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