Steps - After the love has gone (текст песни)

here we are we′re perfect strangers
after all this time there′s no more you and i
but don′t look for blame
we′ve come so far to different places
and now to try to live a lie would be a crime
it′s better this way

and we may not have tommorow
but there′s always yesterday

after the love has gone
only fools carry on
we′ve been hurting for so long
and we both know that it′s wrong
after the love has gone
then we just don′t belong
we both know that it′s wrong
after the love has gone

it′s clear this far nothing to say now
we sang alone and tried so hard to play the game
it all ends the same
just words no more fill these spaces
when love is gone it′s only wrong to try again
i know it′s a shame

that we may not have tommorow
but there′s always yesterday

after the love has gone
only fools carry on
we′ve been hurting for so long
and we both know that it′s wrong
after the love has gone
then we just don′t belong
we both know that it′s wrong

(c) steps

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