Steps - Better best forgotten (текст песни)

if only you read my mind
you′d see i was hurt inside
a thousand time′s i′ve told myself it′s over (it′s over)
but the story has just begun
and darling what′s done is done
it′s time to change and leave the past behind

why should we know all the answers?
or how the story ends (so baby)

let′s take a chance on a happy ending
(let′s) turn the page and stop pretending
the past can stop a heart from mending
it′s time to let go ′cos baby we know
some things are better best forgotten

and baby we can′t pretend
in time the scars will mend
please believe me there′s a chance, let′s take it (let′s take it)
and maybe at last we′ll find
that love should be true not blind
you can′t deceive a hearts that open wide

(and) even now its not too late
to change the story′s end (so baby)

let′s take a chance on a happy ending
(let′s) turn the page and stop pretending
the past can stop a heart from mending
it′s time to let go ′cos baby we know
some things are better best forgotten

the story has just begun
darlin′ what′s done is done
it′s time to change and leave the past behind

(c) steps

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