Linkin Park - Rebellion (feat. Daron Malakian) (текст песни)

i′ve seen the blood
i′ve seen the broken
the lost and the sights unseen
i want a flood
i want an ocean
to wash my confusion clean

i can′t resolve this empty story
i can′t repair the damage done

we are the fortunate ones
who′ve never faced oppression′s gun
we are the fortunate ones
imitations of rebellion

we act it out
we wear the colors
confined by the things we own
we′re not without
we′re like each other
pretending we′re here alone

and far away, they burn their buildings
right in the face of the damage done

we are the fortunate ones
who′ve never faced oppression′s gun
we are the fortunate ones
imitations of rebellion

rebellion, rebellion
we lost before the start
rebellion, rebellion
one by one we fall apart

we are the fortunate ones
who′ve never faced oppression′s gun
we are the fortunate ones
imitations of imitations of...
we are the fortunate ones
who′ve never faced oppression′s gun
we are the fortunate ones
imitations of rebellion

(c) linkin park

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