Steps - Happy go lucky (текст песни)

love,all my love was yours,
of this i was so sure,
i guess i never saw it coming baby,
but now i′m over the surprise,
i′m wearing this disguise,
so everyone can think i′m having fun baby,
the world only sees me smiling,
my pillow knows the truth at night,
′cause that′s where i hide my sorrow,

and they call me happy go lucky,
they don′t know my heart is dying inside,
a smile′s a frown turned upside down,
i do my happy go lucky so well,
i′m even fooling myself

but now i′ve put it to the test,
i know it′s for the best,
in fact it′s good you walked out on me baby,
i, i′ve learned how to survive,
without you in my life,
so why am i still talking ′bout you baby,
the world only sees me smiling,
my pillow knows the truth every night,
′cause that′s where i hide my sorrow,

and they call me happy go lucky,
they don′t know my heart is dying inside,
a smile′s a frown turned upside down,
i do my happy go lucky so well,
i′m even fooling myself

all my love yours,
i guess i was so sure,

when i see the morning light,
i put on this facade,
it′s all i have to protect my pride,
it′s all i′ve got, this smile is all i′ve got,

and they call me happy go lucky,
they don′t know my heart is dying inside,
a smile′s a frown turned upside down,
i do my happy go lucky so well,
i′m even fooling myself

(c) steps

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