Список текстов песен earshot

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Текст песни:

Wipe away your tears
Put away your pain tonight
Run away until you finally see the light

Sing a song with me
Hush the quiet scream inside
See the world through different eyes
Hear no more the sound of lies...

Can′t you run?
A pretty one that′s shaken up inside...
Can′t you hear?
I hear them call her name, misSunderstood
She′s unpredictable and...

Hear the cold wind blow outside
Try to feel the warmth inside
Etched, the faces and the words into your mind
As she gently weeps
Surface the secrets that she keeps
Like a thief into the night
A love so wrong but right...

Can′t you run?
A pretty one that′s shaken up inside
Can′t you hear?
I hear them call her name, misSunderstood
She′s unpredictable and pure...
Can′t you run?
A pretty girl who′s shaken up inside
Can′t you hear?
I hear them call her name, misSunderstood
She′s unpredictable and...

How can she...begin to try?
Misunderstood so many times...so many times
Rise above, rise again
Thought you went away but i misunderstood

Can′t you run?
A pretty one that′s shaken up inside
Can′t you hear?
I hear them call her name, misSunderstood
Don′t you go away...don′t you fade away
Can′t you run?
A pretty girl who′s shaken up inside
Can′t you hear?
I hear them call her name, misSunderstood
She′s unpredictable and...pure

@ Earshot


Текст песни:

Something′s wrong,
Trying to conquer these fears i thoghut were gone.
And it′s been so long, I′m dying to live in a world i dont belong

I cant wait for someone to hear me,
And wait for someone to touch me.
And wait forever to be told,
I′m forever alone.

I cant wait for someone to feel me,
And wait for someone to heal me.
And wait forever to be told,
I′m forever alone..

On my own,
I′ll show myself what it means to be alone.
And the tears i cry are washed away.
All the scars are my disguise.

I cant wait for someone to hear me,
And wait for someone to touch me.
And wait forever to be told,
I′m forever alone.

I cant wait for someone to feel me,
And wait for someone to heal me.
And wait forever to be told,
Im forever alone..

I′m forever alone.
I′m forever alone.
I′m forever alone.

I, I′m not waiting here this time.

I can′t wait for someone to hear me.
And wait for someone to touch me
And wait forever to be told,
I′m forever alone.

I cant wait for someone to feel me
And wait for someone to heal me
And wait forever to be told
I′m forever alone.

@ Earshot


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