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Текст песни:

Don′t mix your drinks
Don′t mix with him.
It will kill you one day.
Good advice. Sound advice.
You need to be like him, like me.
Look what you could achieve.
I′m coming cap-in-hand.
Begging you to listen
Something draws me in!
I just can′t christen it.

@ Elbow


Текст песни:

Before leaving get to the bar
No one round here makes you pay
Never very good at goodbyes
So gentle shoulder charge....
Love you mate.

Love you mate.

Salford sky like gloom
Always you
Could fly round any corner
But til you do....
Love you mate.

@ Elbow


Текст песни:

Mondays is for drinking to the seldom seen kid

I′ve been working on a cocktail called "Grounds For Divorce"
Polishing a compass that I hold in my sleeve
Down comes him on sticks but then he kicks like a horse
There′s a Chinese cigarette case and the rest you can keep
and the rest you can keep
and the rest you can keep

There′s a hole in my neighborhood
down which of late I cannot help but fall
There′s a hole in my neighborhood
down which of late I cannot help but fall

Mondays is for drinking to the seldom seen kid

There′s this whispering of jokers doing "Flesh by the Pound"
To a chorus of supporters from the little town halls
There′ll be twisted karaoke at the Aniseed Lounge
And I′ll bring you further roses but it does you no good
and it does me no good
and it does you no good

There′s a hole in my neighborhood
down which of late I cannot help but fall
There′s a hole in my neighborhood
down which of late I cannot help but fall
There′s a hole in my neighborhood
down which of late I cannot help but fall
There′s a hole in my neighborhood
down which of late I cannot help but fall

Someday we′ll be drinking with the seldom seen kid

@ Elbow


Текст песни:

The whole towns slippin down a hill.
Like the spine of something dead.
Slide in shadow cobble-creep.
Burn your mark and leave.

The trench conventions yellow eyes
Follow her the local flower
The girls a priest (to me at least)
Since baptism peroxide.

And fear is not respect. Correct.
But it′s the best you′re gonna get
Sharp blow to the bridge of the nose

@ Elbow


Текст песни:

I′ll be the corpse in your bathtub
I′ll be as deaf as a post
If you hold me like a newborn
Whisper what you feel
My badly strung declaration
To You
You′ll spend the end of your days
Gently smiling like a newborn
Love not by degrees

Press your lips
To my eyes
Taste my tears
On your tongue,
Pull the blinds
Play our song
Nothings changed
Nothing could be wrong.

Scream in the night
Kick and strike
Like a newborn
Holding me shaking
Awake in the dark
All of these promises
Kept and unbroken
Tracing the scars
Tracing the scars
Even and cold
As we both become older.
Your arms bound about me
The hush in your voice.
The warmth of your fingers
Entwined around mine
In the eve of our lives
Never a choice.

@ Elbow


Текст песни:

I plant the kind of kiss
That wouldn′t wake a baby
On the self same face
The lie wouldn′t let me sleep
And the street is singing with my feet
And dawn gives me a shadow I know to be taller
All down to you, dear
Everything has changed

My sorry name
Has made it to grafitti
I was looking for
Someone to complete me
Not anymore, dear.
Everything has changed

You make the moon a mirrorball
The streets an empty stage
The city′s silence, violins
Everything has changed

So lift off love
All down to you, dear
And lift off love
All down to you, dear

And we took the town to town last night
And we kissed like we invented it
And now I know what every step is for
To lead me to your door
Know that while you sleep
Everything has changed

You make the moon a mirrorball
The streets an empty stage
The city′s silence, violins
Everything has changed.
Everything has changed.
Everything has changed.

@ Elbow


Текст песни:

Drinking in the morning sun
Blinking in the morning sun
Shaking off the heavy one
Heavy like a loaded gun

What made me behave that way?
Using words I never say
I can only think it must be love
Oh, anyway, it′s looking like a beautiful day

Someone tell me how I feel
It′s silly wrong but vivid right
Oh, kiss me like the final meal
Yeah, kiss me like we die tonight

Cause holy cow, I love your eyes
And only now I see the light
Yeah, lying with me half-awake
Oh, anyway, it′s looking like a beautiful day

When my face is chamois-creased
If you think I′ll wink, I did
Laugh politely at repeats
Yeah, kiss me when my lips are thin

Cause holy cow, I love your eyes
And only now I see you like
Yeah, lying with me half-awake
Stumbling over what to say
Well, anyway, it′s looking like a beautiful day

So throw those curtains wide!
One day like this a year′d see me right!

@ Elbow


Текст песни:

Your eyes are just like black spiders
Your hair and dress in ribbons. Babycakes
In despair or incoherent. Nothing in between
China white, my bride tonight
Smiling on the tiles

Bring that minute back
We never get so close as when the sunward flight begins

I share it all with you
Powder blue
Stumble through the crowds together
They′re trying to ignore us. That′s o.k.
I′m proud to be the one you hold when the shakes begin

Sallow skinned, starry eyed, blessed
In our sin
Bring that minute back
We never get so close to death
Makes you so alive
I share it all with you

@ Elbow


Текст песни:

My brother fear is only natural
You need to chill your fucking bones
You will feel Christ-like
When it′s breathing in and out
Right there on the pillow

@ Elbow


Текст песни:

Can′t stop thinking
I won′t stop drinking
I need that comfort
I don′t need discipline
Twilights tailing
I had self belief (They don′t compromise)
This has battered me
That′s my history
Hold this shaking frame
Pull this back together

What′s your story?
I want to listen.
I can′t fake pity.
I may not sympathize
Twilights tailing.
Try my lies for size
You might swallow them
While I fantasize
Hold this shaking frame.

@ Elbow


Текст песни:

Been climbing trees I′ve skinned my knees
My hands are black the sun is going down
She scruffs my hair in the kitchen steam
She′s listening to the dream I weaved today
Crosswords through the bathroom door
While someone sings the theme-tune to the news
And my sister buzzes through the room leaving perfume in the air
And that′s what triggered this.
I come back here from time to time
I shelter here some days.

A high-back chair. He sits and stares
A thousand yards and whistles
Marching-band (Boom-ching)
Kneeling by and speaking up
He reaches out and I take a
Massive hand. Disjointed tales
That flit between short trousers
And a full dress uniform
And he talks of people ten years
Gone like I′ve known them all my life
Like scattered black ′n′ whites….

@ Elbow


Текст песни:

Any day now how′s about getting out of this place. Any ways.
Got a lot of spare time. Some of my youth and all of my senses on overdrive.
What′s got into me? Can′t believe myself!
Must be someone else. Must be.
Don′t play Coltrane you will sleep at the wheel

@ Elbow


Текст песни:

A friend of mine grows his very own brambles
They twist all around him ′til he can′t move
Beautiful, quivering, chivalrous shambles
What is my friend trying to prove?

The bruise turns a tall, gentle boy to a terrible totem
And the kids gather round trying to see what′s inside
I think when he′s drinking he′s drowning some riot
What is my friend trying to hide?
Cause it′s breaking my heart, it′s breaking my heart
And it′s breaking my heart to pull out the rain
Brother of mine, don′t run with those fuckers
When will my friend start singing again?
When will my friend start singing again?

@ Elbow


Текст песни:

Come as you are sweetheart, come as you are.
You know you′ve got nothing to prove
I′ll put you to bed you can let it all go
You′ve been playing too rough lately

You burn too bright
You live too fast
This can′t go on too long
You′re a tragedy starting to happen
Just as you are. Perfect just as your are
I′ll give you the time you deserve.
Don′t make those promises
Don′t tell me again.

@ Elbow


Текст песни:

How dare the premier ignore my invitations
He′ll have to go
So to the bunchy luncheons
with it′s second on my list of things to do

At the top I′m stopping by
Your place of work and acting like
I haven′t dreamed of you and I
And marriage in an orange grove
You are the only thing in any room you′re ever in
I′m stubborn, selfish and too old.

I sat you down and told you how
the truest love that′s ever found
Is for oneself
You pulled apart my theory
With a weary and disinterested sigh

So yes I guess I′m asking you
To back a horse that′s good for glue
And nothing else
But find a man that′s truer than,
Find a man that needs you more than I

Sit with me a while
And let me listen to you talk about
your dreams and your obsessions
I′ll be quiet and confessional
The violets explode inside me
when I meet your eyes
Then I′m spinning and I′m diving
Like a cloud of starlings

Darling is this love?

@ Elbow


Текст песни:

Sweet Jesus I′m on fire
She has the sweetest, darkest eyes
And when it comes into her eyes
I know iron and steel couldn′t hold me
But god I′m easy bruised
But so often a moth to her flame
And the things that she′s asked me to do
Would see a senior saint
forgetting his name

I have an audience with the pope
And I′m saving the world at 8
But if she says she needs me, she says she needs me
Everybody′s gonna have to wait

Where could she be?
Was that a minute or an hour?
Where could she be?
She turns the hours into days.

Kill me phone, cover the cage
And wait for the doorbell to ring

Where could she be?
No she won′t come running
Where could she be?
The world is turning at her pace.

Kill me phone, cover the cage
And wait for the doorbell to ring

I have an audience with the pope
And I′m saving the world at 8
But if she says she needs me, she says she needs me
Everybody′s gonna have to wait

@ Elbow

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