Список текстов песен elzevir

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Текст песни:

It happend again.. I′m sitting in corner
My body is a prison for my wild soul
It′s like mind eclipse when i crushed the border
I don′t know what is it - my win or my fault

So how do you see this? Betrayal of friendship
Or just an expression of my boiling love
Temptation is so high... Heart armor is so weak...
It happend again... And this all lies above

My Mind
You captured my mind
I don′t know
What′s wrong what is right
This is like an eclipse
I don′t understand this
My Mind
You captured my mind

I′m sitting in corner. Just thinking about you
Fading of my dreams one by (the) one
So when will this time come and i′ll hear your voice
I shall understand that you′re not gone

When you get close
I wan′t you to show
That you didn′t lie
To me everytime
Cause i was a friend
So let′s put an end
Mutuall confess
Without regrets

@ Elzevir


Текст песни:

1. Flight of the time is inexorable
Spring has come insensibly
Song of a wind among crowns of trees
Sun′s faint gleam reflecting by seas

Near the castle of the school
There lives the Keeper Of The Keys
Giant by name Hagrid the Great
Owner of the dragon Egg.

2. And one day a crackle resounds
From the fireplace of his house
There was a day when Norbert was born
Dragon whos future is unknown...

3. He lived in his home for two weeks
And grown up fast like a baker′s dough
Hagrid decided to set him free
And climbed up a tower to show him a path

4. On the way to the Northern Star
Make farewell flap of wings
Look back and say "Goodbye!"
To the Giant that set you free....

@ Elzevir


Текст песни:

1. I know that everything lies in my hands
Just go forth to the future. Such is our simple plan.

Our simple plan - to break the chains of ordinary
Your own dreamland - your own angels sanctuary
So run don′t walk - you only need to meet condition
Do what you want - and no one can do convictions

2. When you think about others achievements
Don′t fall into despair. Never don′t stop. You need to continue.

3. Don′t fall down! Just fight to
Win in any case...
Fuck all rules! You must know
Loosers lifes is a time waste!

@ Elzevir


Текст песни:

Sit down near my fire
I′ll try to slake your story desire
Now you′ll hear a magic tale
Are you ready for memory sail

Listen closely, I′ll tell the story
About one boy (who) saved the World
Not for Fame and not for Glory
Only reason - he was so lonely...

Through the prism of his crystal tears
Parents′ death awoke his dreadful fears
Scream of Evil inruded the night
Boy was wounded but he kept alive

@ Elzevir


Текст песни:

1. In a twilights of a forest
Where sunbeams cant reach the ground
There′s a mystic place of Sacred
Sririts of Unholy power

Ancient trees will never fall,
Guardians of his secret home
Giant shadow in the fog
Shadow of Aragog

Blind spider calling the wind
Nature priest and holy druid
Aragog is a monster-sage
Fear to unleash his rage

2. In the blind eyes of spider
Ancient wisdom, rage of fire
Winds of past will spread his name
Among trees like burning flame

Sheen of lake, of forest lake
At the dawn will show mistake
In composition of deadly spell
Poison drop in magic well.

3. I feel a loneliness of fallen star
My broken heartt will bleed like scar

@ Elzevir


Текст песни:

At last I rised against
The pressure I felt
From all blames
Thou suppose to lay on me

Your oppression is gone
From now I′m free
To see my own sumdawns without you
to leave miseries

The blue horizon opened wide in the skies
For breezing of freedom I decided to die!

Fearles flight was interrupted
Wings were broken, Life extinguished
But then The Past will be forgotten
and the sun will shine within my heart

Straight ray of light went though my sorrow
-I threw out memorials of pain,
When i thought like I′m a wasted piece of myself
My soul and my Flesh didn′t matter for all...
...except me

@ Elzevir


Текст песни:

1.Restless life goes on in Hogwarts castle
Magic lessons and quiddich matches
On Hallowin Quirrel ran in great hall
He shouted "There in dungeons! Troll !!!"

Hey! Big stinky troll!
Big stinky troll!
Big stinky troll!
Big stinky troll!

2. Run away from giant troll
Run AWAY! I′ve heard his growl
You must save your lifes yourself
Desperation is spreading well

3. "Hey where′s our know-all Hermione?
And where is troll?! Oh no! It′s not funny
C′mon Ron! We must save her from troll!"
"From Who?!" - "From....


@ Elzevir


Текст песни:

Verse 1:
Going through the snow...
Like an arrow falling from the sky...
Now You can control
Your emotional rush - go Fight and Die!

Dragon Catcher, Firemonger
Drink with us before You′ll go
Tame the beast with magic potion
Win this Battle... Win this War!

Verse 2:
Watch this little flames
That are whirling when You close your Eyes
Their Pure Grace...
This is Magic....

Is it worth to
Fight and
When I Don′t
To Kill
To Fight...

No i don′t want waste my time
I will do my Fucking Duty
Rather than to Hide for Years
Tame the Dragon! I Will Do It!!!

@ Elzevir


Текст песни:

Day by day
Nature dies
Golden tears of autmn
Falling down like dying butterflies
Hear this howl
From the darkness
Disturbing fear conquest
Of the planet have a great success

Why do you live
So quietly
In this world of endless night?
Firebirth will be the sign
To rise from your nknees
To smother all desease
Be strong against her lies
Her feelings almoust died

Day by day
Nature dies
Every creature thoughts
About journey to the Paradise
Poison war
Murder snow
Hands of dying trees are asking
Pardon to this winterfall

No! You lost the game
Your heart are broken but
You are not dead

She will do the same
To all of her victims
Day by day

Yeah! This winter comes
This winter kills
Ones with weakest hearts

Oh! Just give a birth
To the heartfire
Child of the North!

@ Elzevir


Текст песни:

Sun sacrifices last warm to the trees
Their way lies to the Forbidden Forest
From the thiket a cold wind brings
An Echoes of unknown magic.

Searching for a Unicorn sign -
Silver blood on the frosen ground
They came deep in the night
To the forest without bounds

Silver blood is blazing brightly
In the moonlight at the dead night
Rush of wind has took away
A silent Unicorn′s death-cry
Who had dared to strike a creature
That so fair and unprotected?
Only that who desires for vengeance
Only that who wants to live forever...

Yes, he was broken down
But he didn′t died forever
Time got by and he returned
Cause imprisenment was over...

@ Elzevir


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