Список текстов песен halsey

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Текст песни:

You′re probably sitting at a bar
Fingers loosely cradling a glass
I′m miles from where you are
I can′t remember when I saw you last

We both have so-called responsibilities
And others to answer to tomorrow
But, right now, I′m begging you to be my safety
The kind of love I can′t return
But I′m going to borrow

Your eyes meet mine
The lights are playing shadows right down to your collar
Your love is calling
I′m praying you′ll do anything to stall her

I′m sorry, darling
I know he′s yours
I know you make him breakfast
And fit between his arms

In turn of borrowing a perfect man
I′m borrowing a broken love

I′m sorry, darling
I know he′s yours
I know you wear his class ring
And I don′t mean you any harm

In turn of borrowing a perfect man
I′m borrowing a broken love

Your laughing offers some honest conversation
Catch me in the cracks between your crooked smile
Your words are more like illustrations
Toss your head back
But I know you′ll stay awhile

Your eyes meet mine
The lights are playing shadows right down to your collar

In turn of borrowing a perfect man
I′m borrowing a broken love

Your love is calling
I′m praying you′ll do anything to stall her

In turn of borrowing a perfect man
I′m borrowing a broken love

Tell me, how can a heavy heart be so empty?
You left all your baggage on my step
When you went and left me

I′m sorry, darling
I know he′s yours
I know you make him breakfast
And fit between his arms

In turn of borrowing my perfect man
I′m borrowing your broken love

I′m sorry, darling
I know he′s yours
I know you keep him close
And I don′t mean you any harm

In turn of borrowing a perfect man
I′m borrowing a broken love

@ Halsey


Текст песни:

Sick of all these people talking, sick of all this noise
Tired of all these cameras flashing, sick of being poised
And now my neck is open wide, begging for a fist around it
Already choking on my pride, so there′s no use crying about it

I′m headed straight for the castle
They wanna make me their queen
And there′s an old man sitting on the throne that′s saying that I probably shouldn′t be so mean
I′m headed straight for the castle
They’ve got this kingdom locked up
And there′s an old man sitting on the throne that′s saying I should probably keep my pretty mouth shut

All of these people passing, saying that they’re feeling abused
If you wanna break these walls down, you’re gonna get bruised
And now my neck is open wide, begging for a fist around it
Already choking on my pride, so there′s no use crying about it

I′m headed straight for the castle
They wanna make me their queen
And there′s an old man sitting on the throne that′s saying that I probably shouldn′t be so mean
I′m headed straight for the castle
They’ve got this kingdom locked up
And there′s an old man sitting on the throne that′s saying I should probably keep my pretty mouth shut

There′s no use crying about it
There′s no use crying about it
There′s no use crying about it
There′s no use crying about it

I′m headed straight for the castle
They wanna make me their queen
And there′s an old man sitting on the throne that′s saying that I probably shouldn′t be so mean
I′m headed straight for the castle
They’ve got this kingdom locked up
And there′s an old man sitting on the throne that′s saying I should probably keep my pretty mouth shut

Straight for the castle
They wanna make me their queen
And there′s an old man sitting on the throne that′s saying that I probably shouldn′t be so mean
I′m headed straight for the castle
They’ve got this kingdom locked up
And there′s an old man sitting on the throne that′s saying I should probably keep my pretty mouth shut

Straight for the castle

@ Halsey


Текст песни:

Your little brother never tells you but he loves you so
You said your mother only smiled on her TV show
You′re only happy when your sorry head is filled with dope
I hope you make it to the day you′re 28 years old

You′re dripping like a saturated sunrise
You′re spilling like an overflowing sink
You′re ripped at every edge but you′re a masterpiece
And now I′m tearing through the pages and the ink

Everything is blue
His pills, his hands, his jeans
And now I′m covered in the colors
Pulled apart at the seams
And it′s blue
And it′s blue

Everything is grey
His hair, his smoke, his dreams
And now he′s so devoid of color
He don′t know what it means
And he′s blue
And he′s blue

You were a vision in the morning when the light came through
I know I′ve only felt religion when I′m lying with you
You said you′ll never be forgiven ′til your boys are too
And I′m still waking every morning but it′s not with you

You′re dripping like a saturated sunrise
You′re spilling like an overflowing sink
You′re ripped at every edge but you′re a masterpiece
And I′m tearing through the pages and the ink

Everything is blue
His pills, his hands, his jeans
And now I′m covered in the colors
Pulled apart at the seams
And it′s blue
And it′s blue

Everything is grey
His hair, his smoke, his dreams
And now he′s so devoid of color
He don′t know what it means
And he′s blue
And he′s blue

Everything is blue
Everything is blue
Everything is blue
Everything is blue

You were red and you liked me ′cause I was blue
You touched me and suddenly I was a lilac sky
And you decided purple just wasn′t for you

Everything is blue
His pills, his hands, his jeans
And now I′m covered in the colors
Pulled apart at the seams
And it′s blue
And it′s blue

Everything is grey
His hair, his smoke, his dreams
And now he′s so devoid of color
He don′t know what it means
And he′s blue
And he′s blue

Everything is blue
Everything is blue
Everything is blue
Everything is blue

@ Halsey


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