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Текст песни:

Destiny, feel disgrace.
I′m the one that′s fallen.
I′m the one in pain.
I′m the one that′s going.
Forces decay in pain, by the light.

The suffer is cold.
There′s colors
Searing his face.

Drifting through the sorrow.
The visions yet display.
It strips the soul completely empty.
Sirens rage in vain.

Drifting through the sadness.
Violence fills the sky.
Torturing, the voice rang out.
My servants they are blind, by the light.

Suffer is cold.
There′s colors
Searing his face.
By the light.
By the light.
By the light.

@ Obituary


Текст песни:

Rot alone. Destiny killing the souls of lives at your feet.
Dead to its fight, yellers descend.
Killing the darkened rotting fate. Fate.
Rot alone. Bludgeoning hell.
Finding their souls and returning to dwell.
Killing and bleeding tightened as one.
Killing the darkest rotting fate.
Rot all lesions. Glow raid. Rotting, plowed.
Dead he′s killed your soul.
Glow raid. Rotting flower. Kill.

@ Obituary


Текст песни:

You will soon come with me to die,
And find that death is not the end.
Who I say, who will, who won′t be freed.
Tell me that this is not the end complete.
Even as the end′s complete.
Finding strenght in one′s defeat.
Living in an endless score.
Killing me with battled sores.
I′m the one that′s sent to kill,
Feeling all destructive will.
Bring forth one dead soul′s decay,
The end′s complete, it′s the final day.
When the time has come to bare,
Dying young, fall to despair.
To bring forth one dead soul decay,
The end complete′s the final day.

@ Obituary


Текст песни:

With the dying
Rot in hell religious one
[Cold fate] the chosen son
Find the darkness kill the day
You said you′d never cease saying
We′re the cause of death
Find the one kill the need
You′re the one to make him bleed
Find the darkness little one
We′re the cause of death
Rot in hell religious one
[Cold fate] the chosen son
Find the darkness kill the day
You said you′d never cease saying
With the darkness we arise
Your hell is denied
The powers below
Reality′s here
With the darkness we arise
Your hell is denied
The powers below
Reality′s here

@ Obituary


Текст песни:

Robbed of the soul. Live in hell.
Rise above the charred believings′ bowel.
Rise above the soul′s chalky chains.
Give the destiny what it′s named.
The darkest white brought in death balloons soon to come.
Rise above the dark demon′s tower.
Body′s seized the charge.
You′ve killed yourselfX6
Killed. Killed yourself.
Rotting the soul to leave.
Ranting, She′s one to give.
Darkened your soul to waste.
Ranting, She′s soon to gain.
Rotting above the tide.
Ranting, She′s holding time.
Killing their souls with pain.
Ranting, She′s one to gain.

@ Obituary


Текст песни:

You′ve found once, live wise.
The taste to come, we′ll go.
Lost right taking the face, the coming show.

Threatening skies.
Threatening skies.

I will fear rising forms more slow.
Live the spell, takes the coming spell forth.
Ravishing you all.
Ravishing you all.
Ravishing you all.

Threatening skies.
Threatening skies.

You′ve found once, live wise.
The taste to come, we′ll go.
Lost right taking the face, the coming show.

Threatening skies.
Threatening skies.
Threatening skies.

@ Obituary


Текст песни:

Chopped in half
Feel the blood spill from your mouth
With rotting ways comes destiny
Feel the soul taking over , bleed !
Chopped in half
Feel the blood spill from your mouth
With rotting ways comes destiny
Feel the soul taking over, bleed !

@ Obituary


Текст песни:

The feeling contends, once kind.
Violence starts, won′t cease.
Vengeance comes. Want rewards.
The servant starts piercing chores.

Stitching mouths, once skinned.
The gaping wounds left to mend.
Reckless kills, live dispite.
Boundary has soldiers try.

I have come to read my friend
The gifts of all those born and bred.
The living dead once more resign.
We′re facing cause it′s creation.

I have come to resist life′s scar in pain.
The fates just called in Armageddon.
Infected, for the scraps are red.
Deep within the living charge.
The bag once empty filled with fire.

I′d like to find out, just what you said.
I′d like to see you. Justice dead.
Who′d like to see you. Justice served
With lies to go around, the sentence served.

@ Obituary


Текст песни:

Fight ′til the death in a living hell.
Fight ′til the death, remove any wait.
Fight ′til the death in a living hell.
Fighting death.
Fight ′til the death in a living hell.
Fight ′til the death, remove any wait.
Fight ′til the death in a living hell.
Fighting death.
You play the loser.
Remain to live.
Live to the day.
Find the need.
Kill all.
Kill, raid, rot, and live to fight death.
We loathe thee to the death.
Loathe it′s lies.
Fight ′til the death.
Live, we die.
Killing for the need.
Death we love.
It lies.

@ Obituary


Текст песни:

Originally performed by Celtic Frost

After the battle is over
And the sands drunken the blood
All what there remains
Is the bitterness of delusion

The immortality of the gods
Sits at their side
As they leave the walls behind
To reach the jewels gleam

The days have come
When the steel will rule
And upon his head
A crown of gold

Your hand wields the might
The tyrant′s the precursor
You carry the will
As the morning is near

I sing the ballads
Of victory and defeat
I hear the tales
Of frozen mystery

The new kingdoms rise
By the circle of the tyrants
In the land of darkness
The warrior, that was me
Grotesque glory
None will ever see them fall
And hunts and war
Are like everlasting shadows

Where the winds cannot reach
The tyrant′s might was born
And often I look back
With tears in my eyes
Grotesque glory
None will ever see them fall
And hunts and wars
Are like everlasting shadows

@ Obituary


Текст песни:

No will to live
Without lights
Coming to the end of life

Arriving in the end of life
Ones decide to sacrifice

No will to live
Without lights
Coming to the end of life

Lost in darkness realms to go
The fearless ones now are down
The final one is burnt off life
Killing Time
Arising from the dark
A peeling soul to pay
Crawling in the light
piercing through your brain
Reaching out for help
The help in which you pray
Searching for the answers
To questions which they say
Just Killing Time
Killing time is the final bout
Life slowly decays
>From the depths of down below
Powerful rotting ways
Corpses lay out on the ground
Form a perfect line
Killing Time
Rotten is the deadly birth
Strength turns to fear
What awaits the end result
Life′s death draws near
A freefall victim to decay
Infection sets the pace
Rising from your loneliness
and the human race

@ Obituary


Текст песни:

I have found
You have found
Before you living groan
You got to pay
Live for life
Follow My steps
Exsitence to die ...
Following in My steps
Do live out all My life
Do remain in constant fear
Going to sigh
And hasten to burn
Rock the one who finds
Paid to live ...
With the light
Fall to two
Lies great demise
In silence
Counting graves lives foul
Go to die
Come to burn
World Demise
Go wilt die
The shocked earth groans
World Demise

@ Obituary


Текст песни:

With the rotting one below.
Leaving the one who died.
You. Lie. You.
Rotting as one.
Destiny comes.
Dying of this fear.
Death is the one.
Now he has come.
The body′s crying.

@ Obituary


Текст песни:

Rot alone, destiny.

Killing the souls of lives at your feet.

Dead to its fight.

Hell as they said.

Killing the darkened rotting fate, fate.

Rot alone bludgeoning hell.

Finding their souls

And returning to dwell.

Killing and bleeding tightened as one.

Killing the darkened rotting fate.

Rot all lesions.

Glory, rotting plowed.

Dead hes, killed your soul.

Glory, rotting plowed(plowed echoed) kill.

@ Obituary


Текст песни:

Not the one
Souls are gonna burn
You′re the one
Coming down the dead
Thru the darkness
Skies are gonna shout
Pray for lies
But who′s the one to go
Streams of blood
Flow into the streets
Feeds the need
Of the decayed rotting means
Fires breeds upon
The weary young
Evil tales
Sold his only son
Life no longer
Fills the need
Dead silence
In which to feed
Fires breeds upon
The weary young
Evil tales
Sold his only son
Life no longer
Feeds the need
Feeds the need
Of the decayed rotting means

@ Obituary


Текст песни:

The killing is a mean rots in the pain
Fight for the fear of rights
The time is set scream for the help [horror]
Fly thru the darkest nights
The peeling is the skin rotting the soul
Hailing for the chosen son
Mortality the pain fear for the living
Ravage the chosen one
The darkness falls beyond the grave
Blessed ground in which they save
Even though the time has passed
[Your soul is fucked in utter ...]
Rotting souls in fear of desperately
Serpent souls in bowels on which to feed
.. is out for blood and parts
.. craves the blood we′re feasting on
Help Me I′m in pain

@ Obituary

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