Список текстов песен xasthur

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Текст песни:

Paint in blood

A sigil of death

On fading reflections

Beneath this night

Master of their infernal fears,

I take these burning gates...to reign

Pass this torch of evil (so I may become)

Through the candlelit

Bloodstained mirrors...

to succumb to the netherworld of Satan.

Stare through the eyes of my mirror master,

And the mirror stares back into me

@ Xasthur


Текст песни:

Heiled in battle again

Into the night eternally searching and

Fighting to be eternally free

And to live in darkness

Decaying upon their crosses

Light without will (or reason)

Seeing only with (holy) blood in our eyes

To deny them their empires

Take the light from their lives

Blinded by their own crying winds

Hatred bled onto the soul

With a fury to kill

Killed brethren

Without respect for lives unholy

A hatred possessing my soul

With a fury to kill

So the battle dies in this bleak winter

Each death piled in a dark circle

And again we′ll return

@ Xasthur


Текст песни:

The moon tonight feels my revenge

To summon forth my time (of sin) and hate

Impaled are their wings

Raped is the soul

From the bleeding holy womb

At one with night, for I′m with death

Eyes now bleed

In the color and sight of terror

The moon tonight screams with revenge

I′ve entered your dreams out of fear

@ Xasthur


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