A-ha - Halfway Through The Tour (текст песни)

halfway through the tour
we′ll be somewhere else tomorrow
halfway through the tour
we′ll be somewhere else tomorrow
and you know
i can′t do much more (i can′t wish for more)
than walking out that door
and make for home tomorrow
halfway through the tour

halfway through the tour
houses set back from the road
halfway through the tour
across a dry expanse we go
and you know
i can′t do much more (i can′t wish for more)
than walking out that door
and make for home tomorrow
halfway through the door

but when the crowd engage
and takes you to a place
that you now
everyone can be a part of
everyone can be a part of it

halfway through the tour
while there′s money to be made
halfway through the tour
from the public eye we fade
and you know
across a dry expanse
we′re flying by the seat of our pants
we′ll be somewhere else tomorrow

halfway through the tour
i can′t do much more
than make for home tomorrow

(c) a-ha

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