ABBA - Andante, Andante (текст песни)

take it easy with me, please
touch me gently like a summer evening breeze
take your time, make it slow
andante, andante
just let the feeling grow

make your fingers soft and light
let your body be the velvet of the night
touch my soul, you know how
andante, andante
go slowly with me now

i’m your music
(i am your music and i am your song)
i’m your song
(i am your music and i am your song)
play me time and time again and make me strong
(play me again ’cause you’re making me strong)
make me sing, make me sound
(you make me sing and you make me)
andante, andante
tread lightly on my ground
andante, andante
oh please don’t let me down

there’s a shimmer in your eyes
like the feeling of a thousand butterflies
please don’t talk, go on, play
andante, andante
and let me float away

i’m your music
(i am your music and i am your song)
i’m your song
(i am your music and i am your song)
play me time and time again and make me strong
(play me again ’cause you’re making me strong)
make me sing, make me sound
(you make me sing and you make me)
andante, andante
tread lightly on my ground
andante, andante
oh please don’t let me down

make me sing, make me sound
(you make me sing and you make me)
andante, andante
tread lightly on my ground
andante, andante
oh please don’t let me down
andante, andante
oh please don’t let me down

(c) abba

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