Adema - The Losers (текст песни)

i′d like to thank you all for having me
in this village filled with tragedy
this is something you won′t wanna miss
i swear it doesn′t have to be like this

check these fools that ain′t been checked
bless this food that ain′t been blessed
we′ll stay true while you obsess
with who knows who and what comes next

here′s to the losers
the substance abusers
the beaten and broken down
but don′t look now
all the bluish skies are turning black

there′s a killer on the loose again
save me from the pool of blood i′m drowning in
so be thankful for this day my friend
at any given time it all could end

check these fools that ain′t been checked
bless this food that ain′t been blessed
we′ll stay true while you obsesss
with who knows who and what comes next

here′s to the losers
the substance abusers
the beaten and broken down
but don′t look now
all the bluish skies are turning black

let′s remember this day
when we′re sober again
there′s nothing that they can say
that can ever take take take that away

here′s to the losers
the substance abusers
the beaten and broken down
but don′t look now
all the bluish skies are turning black

skies are turning black
here′s to the losers
skies are turning black
substance abusers
skies are turning black
here′s to the losers

(c) adema

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