AFI - Clove Smoke Catharsis (текст песни)

lean against the night and laugh
as i try to scale the walls
ignored futility
fills the air
you′re only there
to watch me fall
watch me fall
watch me

if only pure sweetness was offered
why′s this bitter taste left in my mouth?
if i could catch my breath
just to exhale
i′d know
that i
held it in too long

from above comes a faint smile
a new vantage, such a view
now disowned
just sit and stare
as i walk away
walk away
watch me

if only pure sweetness was offered
why′s this bitter taste left in my mouth?
if i could catch my breath
just to exhale
i′d know
that i
held it in too long

{a buncha “whoa”s}

if only pure sweetness was offered
why′s this bitter taste left in my mouth?
if i could catch my breath
just to exhale
i′d know
that i
held it in too long

if only pure sweetness was offered
(the bitterness)
why′s this bitter taste left in my mouth?
(the sweetness)
if i could catch my breath
(my breath)
just to exhale
i′d know
that i
held it in too long

(c) afi

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