Bjork - LUCKY NIGHT (текст песни)

i’ve tried a lot and most things excite me.
but what tops it all is doing two things at a time.

life and death
glass and water
rock and roll
wash and dirty
christ and jesus
time and hours

to drive a car and listen to music
to read a book and ride a train

watch and maker
god and dog
hammer and saw
babies and nappies
stop and hold
moon and stars

to be enjoying combinations
turns me on
i’m into trying a lot and most things excite me.
but what tops it all is doing two things at a time.

knife and fork
tar and feathers
window and pane
country and western
rhythm and blues
yawn and sigh

this is a lucky night for me
a night when one plus one is three
and the ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
when the ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

to read a letter and fall in love
to not sleep and be not unhappy
to watch tv and cuddle
creme de la creme
is doing two things at a time

to do two things twice at once
its so nice is there a point?
? ? ? ? ? not to happen
time and logic finally
you must enter my 2 last trips
can that be, or am i still thinking?

(c) bjork

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