Cannibal Corpse - Dormant Bodies Bursting (текст песни)

bodies are bursting t
volcanic eruption of guts
exploding cadavers g forth
a bloodbath to torment all life

the sky and the earth are now tainted by
death is to blame for this enormous
the bodies are bursting t
volcanic eruption of guts

detonate, polluted, pandemic
unburied decedents that no longer die
dispelled amok amongst sickness
the dead and living are one
when dormant bodies are bursting

the sky and the earth are now tainted by
death is to blame for this enormous
the bodies are bursting t
volcanic eruption of guts

infernal, disaster, revulsion

dormant bodies bursting

bodies are bursting t
volcanic eruption of guts
exploding cadavers g forth
a bloodbath to torment all life

the sky and the earth are now tainted by
death is to blame for this enormous
the bodies are bursting t
volcanic eruption of guts

detonate, polluted, pandemic

(c) cannibal corpse

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