Clawfinger - Nothing Going On (текст песни)

i′ve been around the world i′ve got a hit in the charts
i′ve become quite famous but i ain′t got no heart
i′ve got expensive clothes and lots of money to waste
i′ve got the luxury lifestyle but i aint got no taste

nothing going on nothing going on
i′ve got a whole lot of nothing
nothing going on

i know all the right people, i′ve got the perfect smile
i′ve got the worlds best timing, but i ain′t got no style
i′ve got a great big mansion, i′ve got a beautiful wife
i′ve got a black rolls royce, but i′ve got no life

nothing going on nothing going on
i′ve got a whole lot of nothing
nothing going on
nothing going on
nothing going right, nothing going wrong
i′ve got a whole lot of nothing
nothing going on
nothing going on nothing going on
i′ve got a whole lot of nothing
nothing going on

i′ve got a personal trainer, i ride a limousine
i′ve got a big bank account, but i ain′t got no dreams
i′ve got a private plane, the best of everything
i′ve got a lifestyle to live, but no message to sing

nothing going on nothing going on
i′ve got a whole lot of nothing
nothing going on
nothing going on
nothing going right, nothing going wrong
i′ve got a whole lot of nothing
nothing going on
nothing going on nothing going on

i′ve got a whole lot of nothing
nothing going on
nothing going on
nothing going on

(c) clawfinger

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