Cobra Starship - The Church Of Hot Addiction (текст песни)

just let me ask you:
hey, have you heard of my religion?
it′s called the church of hot addiction
and we believe that god has lust for everything

because now,
the time has come for your devotion
and you already got a notion
of what i need
so give it, just give it,
just give it to me

you′re willing,
i′m waiting.
turn out the lights

tonight i am the drug you can′t deny
tonight g-a-b-e gonna get you high
my light is electric
my light is electric, yeah
my light is electric
my light is electric, yeah

just let me tell you
hey, you gotta get the cobra bless now
you′re really only selling sex now
but i can pay
the price you charge for what i need

because i,
i′ve got a nasty new compulsion
and you′ve already got a notion
of what i need
so give it, just give it,
just give it to me

you′re willing,
i′m waiting.
turn out the lights

tonight i am the drug you can′t deny
tonight g-a-b-e gonna get you high
my light is electric
tonight i am the drug you can′t deny
tonight g-a-b-e gonna get you high
my light is electric
my light is electric, yeah
my light is electric
my light is electric, yeah

i′ve got electric eyes
and i can get you high
i′ve got electric eyes
i′m gonna get you

tonight i am the drug you can′t deny
tonight g-a-b-e gonna get you high
my light is, light is, light is
tonight i am the drug you can′t deny
tonight g-a-b-e gonna get you high
my light is electric
my light is electric, yeah
my light is electric
my light is electric, yeah

(c) cobra starship

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