Crematory - Faces (текст песни)

the morning face to face
deceiced by beautiful pictures
killed by crazed thoughts
in gods eye the crime on humanity
sheer hate before love
the dissapointment of gods countenance
the self-mutation
the destruction of myself
fear dissapeares into sweet desire
the dreams of rememberance
the fear of reality
confused creatures formed by bizzare pictures

faces of immortality
faces of the unknown
faces of death

the morning face to face
deceiced by beautiful pictures
killed by crazed thoughts
in gods eye the crime on humanity
sheer hate before love
the dissapointment of gods countenance
the self-mutation
the destruction of myself
fear dissapeares into sweet desire
the dreams of rememberance
the fear of reality
confused creatures formed by bizzare pictures

faces of immortality
faces of the unknown
faces of death

(c) crematory

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