Crematory - Left the ground (текст песни)

the sky is near, i’m burning in the heart of the sun
where i am, my feet don’t move, they don’t run
but i ain’t yearning to be gone
whenever this day will dawn, i will have

left the ground
touch the skies, just like butterflies
leave the thoughts behind, let the sun go blind
i will see the next one from a higher ground
however it will make things turn, i will have
left the ground
touch the skies, just like butterflies
leave the thoughts behind, let the sun go blind

and when all seems clear, i’m freezing in the ray of lights
where i go my thoughts will shine again
but i ain’t yearning to be gone
whenever this day will dawn, i will have

left the ground
touch the skies, just like butterflies
leave the thoughts behind, let the sun go blind
i will see the next one from a higher ground
however it will make things turn, i will have
left the ground
touch the skies, just like butterflies
leave the thoughts behind, let the sun go blind

where i am, my feet don’t move
where i go my thoughts will shine again
i will see the next one from a higher ground
however it will make things turn, i will have

left the ground
touch the skies, just like butterflies
leave the thoughts behind, let the sun go blind
i will see the next one from a higher ground
however it will make things turn, i will have left the ground

(c) crematory

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