Duffy - Put It In Perspective (текст песни)

it′s been a long
and uphill journey
to where i am today
it′s been real tough
and i′m still learning
that workin′ hard′s
the only way

for happiness
in this life
success and things
must sacrifice
for success
with your desires
you just gotta aim high
you gotta
put it in perspective
put it in perspective
you gotta
put it in perspective
(yes, you do)
put it in perspective

the road
i had me
was so winding
where i had to go
it wasn′t easy
for me finding
it′s not what you are
but who you know
but for happiness
in this life
success and things
must sacrifice
for success
with your desires
you just gotta aim high
you gotta
put it in perspective
put it in perspective
you gotta
put it in perspective
(yes, you do)
put it in perspective

oh, bend your minds
and you will surely see
that everyday
there′s a new opportunity
put it in perspective
put it in perspective
(put it in perspective)
put it in perspective
put it in perspective

you gotta
put it in perspective
you gotta
put it in perspective
(put it in perspective)
you gotta
put it in perspective
put it in perspective
put it in perspective
(put it in perspective)

(c) duffy

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