Eagles - Hole In The World (текст песни)

there′s a hole in the world tonight.
there′s a cloud of fear and sorrow.
there′s a hole in the world tonight.
don′t let there be a hole in the world tomorrow.

they say that anger is just love disappointed.
they say that love is just a state of mind,
but all this fighting over who will be anointed.
oh how can people be so blind

there′s a hole in the world tonight.
there′s a cloud of fear and sorrow.
there′s a hole in the world tonight.
don′t let there be a hole in the world tomorrow.

oh they tell me there′s a place over yonder,
cool water running through the burning sand,
until we we learn to love one
another we never reach the promise land.

there′s a hole in the world tonight.
there′s a cloud of fear and sorrow.
there′s a hole in the world tonight.
don′t let there be a hole in the world tomorrow.

[repeat chorus: (no music)]

[repeat chorus: 4x′s (fade out)]

(c) eagles

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