Eden - Conversation (текст песни)

tell me something
go on and break my heart
make me want to scream
just to wake myself inside
how can you love me
if you donвђ™t love yourself
stop this game, itвђ™s a crying shame
how we tear each other apart
iвђ™ve got an aching head
so many things unsaid
i can hear your footsteps on the stairs
and down below
shut your mouth when iвђ™m talking to you
nagging and yelling is all you do
shut your mouth when iвђ™m talking to you
iвђ™m though with you, iвђ™m through
sweet, sweet memories i used to know
we used to fight like snow against the sun
вђ™till it turned out right but then i said goodbye
and it was for good
but no one ever brought me
joy and fun the way you could
shut your mouth when iвђ™m talking to you
donвђ™t slam the door like you did before
shut your mouth when iвђ™m talking to you
iвђ™m through with you, iвђ™m through
shut your mouth when iвђ™m talking to you
donвђ™t slam the door like you did before
shut your mouth when iвђ™m talking to you
iвђ™m not through with you, not through
hey, jeff, howвђ™s it going iвђ™ve got this desire growing
sometimes iвђ™d do anything
to have you as a friend again
but it wonвђ™t be easy
itвђ™ll take a lot of guts
but i will puck them all together
if that is what you want
if that is what you want

(c) eden

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