Elliot Minor - She Gets Around (текст песни)

she′s in and out,
she′s getting around,
she can′t stay away, she can′t stay away,
up and down,
from city to town,
she can′t stay away, she can′t stay away.

it always started in a crowd,
and i was scared i couldn′t get out,
another time, another place,
different people, lonely town,
so i waited for a while,
never knowing what to do,
i want this memory to fade,
and when i wake up it′s you,

she′s in and out,
she′s getting around,
she can′t stay away, she can′t stay away,
up and down,
from city to town,
she can′t stay away, she can′t stay away.

i know that she can′t control it,
this part of her life she needs it,
i wanna forget those things you do,

i wonder where she is tonight,
i′m running out of time,
take me in and let me fight,
i want justice for this crime,
so where were you all last night,
you drive me insane i don′t know why,
you know you′re nothing in my life,
you′re just a joke to the eye,

she′s in and out,
she′s getting around,
she can′t stay away, she can′t stay away,
up and down,
from city to town,
she can′t stay away, she can′t stay away.

i know that she can′t control it,
this part of her life she needs it,
i wanna forget those things you do,

so she′s in and out,
she′s getting around,
fighting for attention now,
and there came a time,
that once in my life,
i regret ever meeting you,

she′s in and out,
she′s getting around,
she can′t stay away, she can′t stay away,
up and down,
from city to town,
she can′t stay away, she can′t stay away.

i know that she can′t control it,
this part of her life she needs it,
i wanna forget those things you do,

she′s in and out,
she′s getting around,
she can′t stay away, she can′t stay away,
up and down,
from city to town,
she can′t stay away, she can′t stay away (x2)

(c) elliot minor

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