Fall Out Boy - Austin, We Have a Problem (текст песни)

we′re pretty boys
for secret girls
who never stood a ch-ch-ch-ch-chance in the world
i′m not ready for sincerity
i′d tell any lie to keep you listen - listen - listen - listening

i gave you pretentious.
i gave you indifference, but you only wanted undressed and defenseless.
with all your cheap words about hearts and accidents
who are you kidding? (who are you kidding?)
so listen - listen - listen

sincerity′s in
so don′t you sound like you mean it
hold back your breath
in a year no one will even care.

if it′s in
so don′t you sound like you mean it
hold back your breath
in a year

everyone loves an underdog
that′s why you′re singing along.

with all your cheap words
who are you kidding?

we′re pretty boys
for secret girls
who are you kidding?

sincerity′s in
so don′t you sound like you mean it
hold back your breath
in a year no one will even care.

if it′s in
so don′t you sound like you mean it
hold back your breath
in a year

(hey! everyone loves an underdog)
(hey! everyone loves an underdog)

when the hook sets in
and this all ends.
i′ll wish it never began,
oh i will die without the attention.

when the hook sets in
and when this all ends.
i will wish it never began,
oh i will die without the attention.
oh i will die without the attention.

sincerity′s in
so don′t you sound like you mean it
hold back your breath
in a year no one will even care.

if it′s in
so don′t you sound like you mean it
hold back your breath
in a year

(c) fall out boy

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