G Love And Special Sauce - Fatman (текст песни)

yo fatman

you got some business in the front room

dude wants to buy a ride

is that right?

tell him i said i′m eating a sandwich

what′s it gonna be

me or my ham and swiss

your gonna miss the sale fatman

your gonna miss your sale you fat whale

i bet your face has pocks

like chicken croquettes

your knees are gonna knock

to stand on them pork chops

stop eating for a second cause i got the money

stop eating for a second cause i got the money

want to buy fan van

from a fat fat man

he said see the tears in my eyes

see the tears in my eyes

see the tears in my eyes

mean mean old man

mean mean old mind

fatman i′m customer

come on and play nice

gots to make an offer now

or you′re gonna pay the price

bet your day would be great

if i brought you some

steak and potatoes

your jowells are like

rotten red tomatoes

sold me the car you could at least make some dough

you′re dough boy you′re rude

i don′t like that attitude

treat me like that

i′ll have to bust a hit

in graffitit on your wall

should′ve taken my call

see the tears in my eyes

see the tears in my eyes

see the tears in my eyes

mean mean old man

mean mean old mind

fat man

fat man

fat man


(c) g love and special sauce

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