Good Charlotte - Standing Ovation (текст песни)

as i start to make my way back home
through the crowded streets
but the people come and go
all the faces that i see that seem to show
a standing ovation for you
a standing ovation for you

we′re alive now
let′s just take our time now
let′s just make the most of every day we have
the most of every moment
we′re alive now
let′s not waste our time now
let′s just make the most of every breath we take
the most of every second we′re alive

oh oh oh
cause we′re alive
oh oh oh

out the window of a train the city′s go
by so fast just like days i watched you grow (i′ve watched you grow)
and one day you will walk away from all you know
a standing ovation is for you
a standing ovation is for you

we′re alive now
let′s just take our time now
let′s just make the most of every day we have
the most of every moment
we′re alive now
let′s not waste our time now
let′s just make the most of every breath we take
the most of every second we′re alive

can′t you see
the world is on there feet for you and me
and it′s alright, you′ve got me
cause even when i′m gone i′ll never leave
so go on and catch your dreams

we′re alive now
let′s just take our time now
let′s just make the most of every day we have
the most of every moment
we′re alive now
let′s not waste our time now
let′s just make the most of every breath we take
the most of every second we′re alive

oh we′re alive
cause we′re alive
oh we′re alive

as i start to make my way back home
i can′t help but crack a smile cause i know
a standing ovation is for you
a standing ovation is for you

(c) good charlotte

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