Jack Johnson - Anything But The Truth (текст песни)

if they tell me that the bees
don′t make honey anymore
then what am i supposed to tell you
and if they tell me that the ocean
is tired of her shores
then tell me
what am i supposed to tell you

when i can′t tell you anything
but the truth

when i can′t tell you anything
but the truth

what happens to an eagle′s nest in a storm
how does the mama
keep the baby warm
what if the wind
is telling us that it′s time
and what if we′re not ready to fly

i can′t tell you anything
but the truth
i can′t tell you anything
but the truth

tree tops they touch the ground
in the morning walk with no sound
hear no birds, hear no planes
through the mud, feel the clay
build it up, make it sing

but i can′t tell you anything
but the truth

buth i can′t tell you anything
but the truth

what is this place
who am i
why did we come here

i don′t know i don′t know
but i don′t know
that we′re meant to know

i don′t know i don′t know
but i don′t know
that we′re meant to know

(c) jack johnson

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