Jordin Sparks - For Now (текст песни)

verse 1: what you gonna do with your life? everybody keeps asking me. they′re only giving me so much
time, to be who i′m supposed to be. what′s wrong with who i am? being right where i am? i keep
wondering what′s the rush? i′ll get there soon enough.

chorus: it′s my life, i′m gonna live it in this moment. take my time, yeah. let it take me where
it′s going. some things you learn. some things their own selves out. that′s all i need to know, for

verse 2: i hang out with a lot of friends. they keep talking ′bout the same old things. they′re all
looking for mr. right. that just clouds my brain. well, i′m thinking it′s kind of cool, not knowing
what′s around the corner. tomorrow′s on the way. but i′m still soaking up today.

(repeat chorus)

bridge: it′s my life, i′m gonna live it in this moment. take my time, yeah. let it take me where
it′s going.

(repeat chorus) na, na, na ... what you gonna do with your life? na, na, na ... i′ll get there soon
enough. na, na, na ... tomorrow′s on it′s way. na, na, na ... that′s all i need to know ... for now

(c) jordin sparks

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