Josh Todd - Flowers & Cages (текст песни)

the battle has just begun!
the battle has just begun!
art of war!

open up your dreams and find a way
awake the morning screaming in your face
feel the poison sweeping through your veins
ill lay you down, ill lay you down

flowers and cages heaven and earth freedom
flowers and cages avail yourself
seven sins found and no youre not the first
six feet down flowers and cages

safe in my cocoon beneath the waves
a colorful description of your fate
i smell the flowers sometimes in the air
ill lay you down, ill lay you down


the battle has just begun! art of war!
seize the moment standing in the way
the picture doesnt quite fit in the frame
out of turn you speak without a sound
ill lay you down, ill lay you down


awake the morning screaming in your face
seize the moment standing in the way
i smell the flowers sometimes in the air
art of war!

(c) josh todd

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