La Roux - Reflections Are Protections (текст песни)

please, please be my light filter
shine, make me a shelter
to hide this love
makes you lose your sign
now the search rise is on its way
and the flood lights are on my face
all the shadows that i woke up in
are just my volatile second skin

my reflections are protections
they will keep me from destruction
my directions are distractions
when you′re ready come into the light

lines, design a pathway
shine, cut out the dark shapes
to find, although i really tried
only time is a lover′s guide
and now the ratings fall away
and the stencils draw a face
our outlines in the sunset
are just a fragile silhouette

my reflections are protections
they will keep me from destruction
my directions are distractions
when you′re ready come into the light

my reflections are protections
they will keep me from destruction
my directions are distractions
if you leave me, i′ll go back to hide

my reflections are protections
they will keep me from destruction
my directions are distractions
when you′re ready come into the light

my reflections are protections
they will keep me from destruction
my directions are distractions
if you leave me, i′ll go back to hide

(c) la roux

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